





n. wound


lesion['li:ʒən]n. 損害;身體上的傷害;[醫]機能障礙


lesion 損害;病變;故障,損害;損傷;secondary lesion 繼發性損害;繼發損害;local lesion 局部病;局部病斑;局部病變, 局部損害;釋義:局部損害,局部病灶,局部壞死病;lesion potential 損傷電位;proliferative lesion 增殖性病變;


1.It can determine size and location of a lesion and provide images of surrounding tissues and lymph nodes. 它可以確定某個病灶部位的大小與位置,提供周圍組織和淋巴結的圖像。

2.Another gross lesion typical for pneumoconioses, and asbestosis in particular, is a fibrous pleural plaque. 塵肺的又一典型的大體損害,尤其石棉肺,引起纖維性胸膜斑。

3.Fig 1 MSCT of plasma cell mastitis of left breast, quadrant subtype of inflammation type. Coronal cut of 3D reconstruction of MSCT showed lesion location. 圖1左乳漿細胞性乳腺炎MSCT,炎症型-象限亞型。三維(3D)重建並行病變乳房冠狀位切面顯示炎症所在位置。


excision of lesion of mouth - 口病損切除術

syphilitic lesion of vulva - 外陰梅毒性疾病

benign lesion of cervix uteri - 子宮頸良性損害

spaceoccupying lesion of cerebellum - 小腦佔位病變

lesion of caudate nucleus - 尾狀核病變

lesion of bulbourethral glands - 尿道球腺病變

acute hemorrhagic lesion of gastric mucosa - 急性胃粘膜出血性病變

lympho-epithelial lesion of salivary gland - 涎腺淋巴上皮病

third ventricle lesion syndrome - 第三腦室病變綜合征

fourth ventricle lesion syndrome - 第四腦室病變綜合征

local excision of lesion of eat - 耳病損局部切除術

local excision of lesion of stomach - 胃病損局部切除術

local excision of lesion of pancreas - 胰病損局部切除術

excision of parasitic lesion of brain - 腦內寄生蟲病損切除術

ventricular system lesion syndrome - 腦室系統病變綜合征

brain-stem lesion syndrome - 腦幹病變綜合征

local excision of lesion of urinary bladder - 膀胱病損局部切除術

lesion of globus pallidus - 蒼白球病變

protein loss enteric disease; pulmonary lesion factor - 蛋白喪失性腸病

local excision of lesion of penis - 陰莖病損局部切除術

precancerous lesion of penis - 陰莖癌前期病變

cranial nerve lesion syndrome - 顱神經損害綜合征

corrosive lesion of esophagus - 食管腐蝕傷


活動病變治療 - active lesion treatment

n.急性胃粘膜病變 - acute gastric mucosal lesion

n.急性胃粘膜出血性病變 - acute hemorrhagic lesion of gastric mucosa

腺損壞 - adenoid lesion

進展病巢 - advanced lesion

加齡性病變 - ageing lesion

胃萎縮性病變 - atrophic lesion

n.子宮頸良性損害 - benign lesion of cervix uteri

良性淋巴上皮瘤病變 - benign lymphoepithelial lesion

n.良性淋巴上皮病變,良性淋巴上皮損害 - benign lympohoepithelial lesion

膽管障礙 - bile duct lesion

n.臨界病變 - borderline lesion

n.腦幹病變綜合征 - brain-stem lesion syndrome

中樞性前庭病灶 - central vestibular lesion

n.腦損害 - cerebral lesion

n.特徵性病變 - characteristic lesion

n.化學性損害 - chemical lesion

n.耳蝸神經損害 - cochlear nerve lesion

n.病灶清除 - clearance of focal lesion

錢幣形損害,圓形錢幣形瘤腫 - coin lesion

n.冷病灶,冷區 - cold lesion

n.聯合瓣膜病變 - combined valvular lesion

n.壓迫性病變 - compression lesion

冠狀動脈病變 - coronary lesion

n.食管腐蝕傷 - corrosive lesion of esophagus

n.顱神經損害綜合征 - cranial nerve lesion syndrome

n.瀰漫性增生性病變 - diffuse proliferative lesion

DNA損傷 - DNA lesion

n.杜雷氏損害 - durets lesion

n.異位損害 - ectopic lesion

癲癇原性病變 - epileptic native lesion

n.口病損切除術 - excision of lesion of mouth

n.腦內寄生蟲病損切除術 - excision of parasitic lesion of brain

擴張性損害,佔位性病變 - expanding lesion

n.滲出性病變 - exudative lesion

n.局灶性損害 - focal lesion

n.第四腦室病變綜合征 - fourth ventricle lesion syndrome

n.機能性損害 - functional lesion

血管小球損害 - glomerular lesion

血管小球拉傷 - glomerulus lesion

n.內眼損害 - gross lesion

n.高攝取病灶 - hot lesion

n.下丘腦病變 - hypothalamic lesion

n.混合性損害 - indiscriminate lesion

n.炎性病變 - inflammatory lesion

初損傷,初期損傷 - initial lesion

內部損傷 - internal lesion

n.顱內佔位病變 - intracranial space-occupying lesion

刺激性病變 - irritative lesion

局部缺血損害的絕對性 - ischemic lesion positivity


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