a. greater
lesser['lesə]adj. 較少的;次要的;更小的adv. 較少地;更小地;不及
lesser 較小的;比較少;較小;出租人;Lesser Celandine 白屈菜;生日花: 白屈菜;LESSER PANDA 小熊貓;小貓熊;小熊貓;小貓熊;lesser heat 小暑;Lesser Dwarf 小型矮人;
1.The main thing is to not fear the lesser Light but to accept them as a part of your growth. 重要的事情不是恐懼較少的光,只是接受他們作為你們成長的一部分。
2.Although not nearly as potent as the normal knell beetles, in groups, the lesser versions can be nearly as deadly. 儘管沒有普通喪鐘甲蟲那樣有力,但在成群結隊時,這種較小的版本幾乎同樣致命。
3.Only a few places—Denmark, Sweden and, to a lesser extent, France and Quebec—provide comprehensive systems of after-school care. 只有很少國家-丹麥,瑞典,以及在較小程度上的法國和魁北克-提供放學後的綜合照顧制度。
lesser splanchnicnerve; nervus splanchnicus minor - 內臟小神經
glandulae vestibulares minores; lesser vestibular glands - 前庭小腺
lesser posterior straight muscle of head - 頭後小直肌
caryophyllaceous ginseng; lesser ginseng; pseudostellaria root - 孩兒參
lesser trapezium bone; os trapezoideum - 小多角骨
lesser curvature - 小彎
lesser circulation; pulmonary circulation - 小循環
extensor muscle of lesser finger; musculus extensor digiti minimi - 小指伸肌
lesser centaury - 小矢車菊
lesser tubercle; tuberculum minus - 小結節
crest of lesser tubercle; crista tuberculi minoris - 小結節脊
lesser omentum; omentum minus; retinula - 小網膜
ala minor; lesser wing; small wing - 小翼
lesser rhomboid muscle; musculus rhomboideus minor - 小菱形肌
cornu minus; lesser cornu; lesser horn - 小角
lesser petrosal nerve; nervus petrosus minor - 巖小神經
hiatus of canal for lesser petrosal nerve - 巖小神經管裂孔
pyloric lesser carvature - 幽門部小彎
lesser occipital nerve; nervus occipitalis minor - 枕小神經
fracture of lesser trochanter - 股骨小轉子骨折
curvatura veutriculi minor; lesser curvature of stomach - 胃小彎
cornu minus ossis hyoidei; lesser horn of hyoid bone - 舌骨小角
circulus arteriosus iridis minor; lesser arterial circle of iris - 虹膜動脈小環
circulus arteriosus iridis minor; lesser arterial circle of iris - 虹膜小動脈環
anulus iridis minor; lesser circle of iris - 虹膜小環
lesser supraclavicular fossa - 鎖骨上小窩
lesser omentum; omentum minus; willis pouch - 韋利斯氏囊
lesser zygomatic muscle; musculus zygomaticus minor - 顴小肌
galagal rhizome; lesser galangal; rhizome of lesser galangal - 高良姜
cartilagines alares minores; lesser alar cartilage - 鼻翼小軟骨
n.小結節脊 - crest of lesser tubercle
n.小指伸肌 - extensor muscle of lesser finger
n.股骨小轉子骨折 - fracture of lesser trochanter
巖小神經溝 - groove of lesser petrosal nerve
n.巖小神經管裂孔 - hiatus of canal for lesser petrosal nerve
n.幽門部小彎 - pyloric lesser carvature
n.高良姜 - rhizome of lesser galangal