maidstonen. 梅德斯通(英國英格蘭一城市)
Maidstone 梅德斯通;梅特斯通;美斯頓;梅德斯通市;Maidstone Hilton 梅德斯通希爾頓酒店;maidstone east 最近的車站;Maidstone College of Art 藝術學院;Holiday Inn Maidstone-Sevenoaks 梅德斯通-塞文奧克斯假日酒店;
1.A municipal borough of southeast England north of Maidstone. The Royal School of Military Engineering is here. Population, 95, 900. 英格蘭東南部的一個市政自治區,位於梅德斯通的北部。英國皇家軍事工程學校座落在此。人口95,900。
2.In one case, about 80 trusts in England were unable to access certain systems for four days after a data centre in Maidstone crashed. 在一起事故中,因為梅得斯頓的數據中心癱瘓導致英國的80名信託人四天都無法登陸系統。
3.In one case, about 80 trusts in England were unable to access certain systems for four days after a data centre in Maidstone crashed. 例如有這樣一個案例,在梅德斯通一個數據中心遭到破壞後,英國大約80個信託公司在長達四天時間裡不能進入特定系統。