





chart drawing set drafting instrument draughting instrument drawing apparatus drawing instrument 繪圖儀器;chart drawing set drafting instrument draughting instrument drawing apparatus drawing instrument 繪圖儀器;chart drawing set drafting instrument draughting instrument drawing apparatus drawing instrument 繪圖儀器;chart drawing set drafting instrument draughting instrument drawing apparatus drawing instrument 繪圖儀器;chart drawing set drafting instrument draughting instrument drawing apparatus drawing instrument 繪圖儀器;


1.Read and understand mechanical drawings, including single part drawing, assembly drawing, hydraulic drawing and lubrication drawing etc; 能夠閱讀和理解機械圖紙,包括零件圖、機械裝配圖、液壓圖和潤滑圖等;

2.Read and understand mechanical drawings, including single part drawing, assembly drawing, hydraulic drawing and lubrication drawing etc; 能夠閱讀和理解機械圖紙,包括零件圖、機械裝配圖、液壓圖和潤滑圖等;

3.In order to eliminate the intensive labor of hand drawing and to increase the productivity of the drawing-in process in warp preparation, an automatic drawing-in machine has been designed. 為了消除人工穿綜插筘的緊張勞動和增加準備工程中穿綜插筘的生產率,我們設計了一部自動穿綜筘機。

4.Compression spring pressure causes the drawing of the General Assembly is taking too long, it is easy to drawing paper and drawing syndiospecific action with other institutions. 壓簧的不不張辛

5.If wire drawing machine is used as fine steel wire drawing, constant power drawing of motor at high speed is adopted firstly, the machine draught should use small possibly; 拉絲機若用於拉拔較細的鋼絲,則優先選用電機在高速狀態下的恆功率拉拔方式,機器 壓縮率 應盡量取小些;


That's a great drawing of your girlfriend, but you should emphasize the nose a bit more. - 你的女友這張畫像很漂亮,但你應該把她的鼻子再勾畫一下。

The man is drawing blueprints for a new house. - 這個人在設計新房屋的藍圖。

Seeing a cake flying through the air, a lorry driver who was drawing up alongside the car, pulled up all of a sudden. - 此時,一輛卡車正好從後邊開到那輛汽車邊上,司機看見一塊蛋糕從天而降,緊急剎車。

Looking into the drawing room, she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk. - 她往起居室裡看去,寫字檯邊一片狼籍。

and you avoid the frustration of arriving at the very moment when the train is drawing out of the station and being unable to get on it. - 而且可以避免那種正好在火車駛出站時趕到車站,因上不去車而感到的沮喪。

He was constantly on the move, drawing the Danes after him. - 他的部隊不停地移動,牽著敵人的鼻子,讓他們跟著跑。

either in cash or by drawing a cheque in favour of another person. - 提取的方式可以是取現金,也可以是開一張以他人為收款人的支票。

the line that the pen was drawing wriggled from side to side. - 筆所畫出的線就會左右擺動。


n. bottom slide drawing press - 下滑塊式拉深壓力機

n. drawing of irregular shape - 不規則形拉拔

n. drawing of irregular shape - 不規則形狀拉伸

n. drawing die - 沖模

n. drawing cam-controlled blank holder - 凸輪式拉延壓料板

n. drawing for die sinking - 刻模加工圖

n. scratch drawing test - 劃痕拉伸試驗

n. scratch drawing test - 刮痕拉伸試驗

n. single-action drawing die - 單動拉伸模

n. single-action drawing die - 單動拉延模

n. drawing punch radius - 壓延凸模角半徑

n. drawing resistance - 壓延阻力

n. double-action drawing dies - 雙動沖壓模

n. double action cam drawing press - 雙動凸輪深拉壓力機

n. double action cam drawing press - 雙動式凸輪拉伸壓力機

n. double-action drawing dies - 雙動拉伸模

n. double decked wire drawing machine - 雙層拔絲機

n. drawing compound - 回火用冷卻劑

n. Erichsen deep drawing cup test - 埃氏拉延試驗

n. bottom slide cam drawing press - 底部滑動凸輪拉深壓力機

n. bottom slide drawing press - 底部滑動拉深壓力機

n. drawing rate - 引上率

n. drawing power - 拉伸動力

n. drawing operation - 拉伸操作

n. drawing die - 拉伸模

n. drawing process - 拉伸過程

n. drawing resistance - 拉伸阻力

n. drawing sheet - 拉制鋼板

n. drawing punch radius - 拉延凸模圓角半角

n. drawing edge - 拉延凹模圓角

n. drawing edge radius - 拉延凹模圓角半徑

n. drawing pressure - 拉延力

n. drawing drum - 拉延捲筒

n. drawing pressure - 拉延壓力

n. drawing radius - 拉延圓角半徑

n. drawing work - 拉延工藝

n. drawing index - 拉延指數

n. drawing condition - 拉延條件

n. drawing limit - 拉延極限

n. drawing ratio - 拉延比

n. drawing sheet - 拉延用鋼板

n. drawing edge - 拉延邊界

n. drawing speed - 拉延速度

n. drawing gap - 拉延間隙

n. drawing resistance - 拉延阻力

n. drawing press - 拉深壓機

n. drawing metal mold - 拉金屬模

n. drawing condition - 拔絲條件

n. drawing limit - 拔絲極限

n. drawing angle - 拔絲角度


n.抽樣 - sample drawing

n.剖面圖 - sectional drawing

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