drawworks window opening 絞車大門;
1.Grease block sketch of Drawworks was confirmed, the mounting will be completed before rig delivery. 絞車潤滑油路圖已確認,潤滑系統的安裝在出廠前完成。
2.The braking characteristic of the brake system of rig drawworks is a basis of design and use of brake apparatus. 鑽機絞車剎車系統的制動特性是合理設計和使用剎車裝置的理論基礎。
3.Grease block sketch of Drawworks was confirmed, the mounting will be completed before rig delivery. 絞車潤滑油路圖已確認,潤滑系統的安裝在出廠前完成。
4.The cathead drawworks is equipped with a sand reel and facilitates a one-piece single lift onto the floor without a heavy-duty crane. 貓頭絞車帶有撈砂滾筒,採用整體式或組合式結構。組合式可實現分塊吊裝上台,無需大噸位吊車。
5.Rig components such as mast, substructure, drawworks, crown block, traveling block, hook, swivel, rotary tablemud pump etc. 同時生產井架、底座、絞車、天車、游車、大鉤、水龍頭、轉盤、泥漿泵等部機產品。