a. erstwhile ,honest-to-god ,older ,previous
a. immature ,new ,young
old[əuld]adj. 陳舊的,古老的;年老的n. 古時
old 年老的,老的,...歲的,陳舊的,古老的;年老的;舊的;陳舊的;Old Trafford 老特拉福德球場;老特拉福德;奧脫福;老特拉福球場;old story 老套的說法;老故事;老一套;老故事(老一套);old gold 古金色;佣金全部讓給老金;有錢人;老黃金;Old Dogs 老傢伙;兩周奶爸;星級拍檔;歐吉桑卡好;
1.This chair is new, that chair is old. 這把椅子是新的,那把椅子是舊的。
2."Patience is virtue" is an old saying. 「忍耐是美德」是句古老的諺語。
3.His shoes are old. 他的鞋子是舊的。
I need a new toothbrush. My old one's worn out. - 我需要一支新牙刷。舊的用壞了。
Excuse me, but may I ask how old you are? - 對不起, 我能問一下你多大了嗎?
You look very young. How old are you? - 你看起來真年輕, 你多大了?
How old are you, anyway? - 那……你多大了?
I feel like an old man. - 我感覺像一個老頭。
How old are you, Gerald? - Gerald,你今年多大啦!
I know. How old is she? - 我知道。她多大了?
No. I sold the house and the furniture,put a few personal things in an old trunk, - 不。我把房子和家俱都賣了,剩下一些東西放進一個舊衣箱,
It'll be like old times for you and me. - 你我過去的美好時光又會重現。
I can't wait to see my old pal Charley Rafer. - 我真想早點見到老朋友Charley Rafer。
so the old one will be ready - 這個舊的又可準備
They don't have room service at Old Country Inn. Old Country Inn - 沒有房間服務部。
Even the old patchwork quilt is the same! - 甚至這條舊的百衲被罩也是一樣!
from the old clothing of every member in the family - 從每位家庭成員的舊衣服上
Do you remember that old desk? - 還記得這張舊桌子嗎?
Then you'll see a big old red barn. - 然後你就會看到一座舊的紅色大糧倉。
Same old Pete Waters. - Pete Waters還是老樣子。
Who am I, you old rascal? - 我是誰 ?你這個老玩童。
I'm totally fed up with my old computer. - 我簡直受不了我這台舊計算機。
The old library building on Chestnut Street, - Chestnut街老圖書館,
But there's the old community center on Elm Street. - 但是在Elm街有一個舊的社區中心。
I wonder if you would take a look at the old library - 我不知道你是否可以看一看舊圖書館
We've got permission to go inside the old building - 我們已獲 進入那棟老建築物
what you need to fix up the old library. - 你們修復舊圖書館所需要的東西。
to plan the refurnishing of the old library - 計劃重新整修老圖書館
towards refurnishing the old library - 去重新整修老圖書館
What do you call this? A tow year old child could have done a better job! - 你是怎麼回事?就連兩歲的孩子都可以比這做得更好!
Kids today have too much freedom, it's not like the old days. - 現在的小孩太自由了,不像以前。
Recomposing and remixing the rhythms of old classic songs into new ones has become a trend in music circles. - 對經典的歌曲進行重新演繹和混音已經成為音樂圈裡的潮流。
He has an old head on young shoulders. - 他年輕又有見識。
The old couple has already been married for fifty years. - 那對老夫妻結婚已經 50 年了。
You are twenty-one, a grown-up young lady old enough to make up your own mind. - 你已經21歲了,已經到了可以自己做主的年齡了。
One is as old as one's heart. - 心多老人多老。
It is OK to ask children how old they are. - 問小孩多大了是可以的。
I am 22 years old and have a great job in an advertising agency, working for a very nice boss. - 我22歲,在一家廣告公司有一份如意的工作,為一位很不錯的老闆打工。
The chances for a promotion look really good, but before I get too old I want to see the world. - 提升的機會確實無可挑剔,但是在我變得太老之前,我想去看看世界。
I am 60 years old and siingle. - 我六十歲了,仍然單身。
She changed into old clothes for the sake of comfort. - 為了舒適,她換上了舊衣服。
He is now out of touch with his old friends. - 他現在已經沒有和他過去的朋友聯繫了。
Nice to see you, my old friend. - 真高興見到你,我的老朋友。
I'm writing to an old friend. - 給一個老朋友。
This is a rather old house. It needs painting. - 這房子挺舊的,得刷一下才行。
I am old enough to make up my own mind. - 我已經長大了,可以自己拿主意了。
John and I are old friends. - 我和約翰是老朋友了。
Guess how old I am. - 猜測我有多大。
Finally,I asked him how old he was. - 最後,我問他他多大。
I'm old enough to make up my own mind. - 我是夠年紀做自己的決定了。
How old do you have to be to vote in the national elections? - 你要多大才能在大選中投票?
As you can see in this photo, we've retained the same style which was so popular in this old model. - 正如你在這張圖片上所看到的,同風格的這種舊型產品非常流行,我們保留了它。
My car looks so old and run-down compared to theirs! At least it has character. - 我的汽車看起來要比他們的舊而老爺。但是至少有性格。
two old drugs decoction - 二陳湯
hot; human old tuberculin - 人型舊結核菌素
Old as he is - 他雖年邁
Old as he is - 但身板硬朗
progress to old age - 到老年
old thalamus; paleothalamus - 原丘腦
old brain; paleencephalon; paleo encephalon; paleoencephalon; protocerobrum - 原腦
old injury; remoe wound - 宿傷
chroni disease; chronic disease; chronicdisease; old disorder - 宿疾
cold-syndrome is intertwined with heat-syndrome; intermingling of cold and heat; simultaneous occurrence of old and heat yndromes - 寒熱錯雜
revise the old recipe - 整理古方
old thalamus; paleothalamus - 舊丘腦
n. old working - 舊加工
n. old mine - 舊礦
old tuberculin; original tuberculin; originaltuberculin; ot - 舊結核菌素
old brain; paleo encephalon; paleoencephalon - 舊腦
old chain - 舊鏈
n. old forged goods - 舊鍛造產品
a man in his green old age - 童老者
obsolete injury; old trauma - 老傷
old welsh-onion stalk - 老蔥白
old yellow enzyme - 老黃酶
old dislocation of elbow - 肘關節陳舊性脫位
old dislocation of shoulder - 肩關節陳舊脫位
old injury of abdomen; old injury of the obdomen - 腹部陳傷
mania induced by sudden emotional upset; syncope and old limbs due to yang-heat - 陽厥
old trauma - 陳傷
old trauma of excess type - 陳傷實症
old trauma of deficiency type - 陳傷虛症
old laceration of perineum - 陳舊性會陰裂傷
old compression fracture - 陳舊性壓縮性骨折
old lacreation of cervix - 陳舊性子宮頸裂傷
old ectopic pregnancy - 陳舊性宮外孕
old myocardial infarction; remote myocardial infarction - 陳舊性心肌梗塞
old dislocation - 陳舊性脫位
old rupture of achilles tendon - 陳舊性跟腱斷裂
old vaginal laceration - 陳舊性陰道裂傷
old fracture - 陳舊性骨折
n.童老者 - a man in his green old age
臥床不起的老人 - bedridden old person
n.人型舊結核菌素 - human old tuberculin
n.到老年 - progress to old age
n.整理古方 - revise the old recipe
n.寒熱錯雜 - simultaneous occurrence of old and heat yndromes
n.陽厥 - syncope and old limbs due to yang-heat
n.e家裡的老人們 - the old folks at hom
n.二陳湯 - two old drugs decoction
n.歲 - year old