





r. bestn. bettor ,punter ,wagerera. bestv. ameliorate ,amend ,break ,improve


a. worse ,worsenedv. decline ,exacerbate ,exasperate ,worsen


better[betə]n. 長輩;較好者;打賭的人(等於bettor)adv. 更好的;更多的;較大程度地adj. 較好的vt. 改善;勝過vi. 變得較好


better 較好的;孫 佳;較好;更好的;had better 應該;還是…好,應該;最好;最好還是,應該;better half 我的另一半;配偶;配偶(妻子);妻子(並非較好的一半);Better not 最好別.;最佳別.;better quality 較好的質量;較好品質;較好質量;出產更高質量的印品;


1.For better or worse , I never dies. 無論更好或更壞,我不會死去。

2.Some people like this pressure and work better because of it. 有的人喜歡這種壓力,並能因此而工作得更好。

3.It is unrealistic to expect better conditions in the near future. 在不遠的將來指望有更好的形勢是不現實的。


Sure. Oh, sorry, Mary, I'd better go now. - 可以。哦,抱歉,Mary,我要掛電話了。

You do the same. Well, I'd better go. Thanks again for everything. - 你也代我問候一聲。好,我得走了,再次謝謝你們的招待。

It's been my experience that I agree that yours are of better quality. - 根據我的經驗來看,你們的產品質量的確較好。

According to my experience, I agree that yours are of better quality. - 有我的經驗來判定你們的產品的確較好。

If you quit smoking now, you'll feel better in no time. - 如果你現在戒煙的話,你很快就會感覺好多了。

If you don't give me a better price, I won't buy this. - 如果價格不更優惠些,我是不會買的。

Do I get a better price if I buy in bulk? - 我多買能便宜一點嗎?

You had better study hard. - 你最好努力學習。

I'm paying lots of money for you, so you'd better do well. - 我為你花了那麼多錢,所以你要好好幹。

I'd better unpack. - 我還是先把行李打開吧。

You'll feel better tomorrow, Betty, believe me. - 明天就會好些, Betty, 相信我。

I see you're feeling better already, Betty. - 我看得出來你已經感覺好些了, Betty。

You need some rest to help you get better quickly. - 需要多休息, 好讓你很快恢復。

But it'll be better tomorrow. - 但是明天就會好多了。

They get better and better. - 它們越來越好。

That's better than being behind. - 這總比落後要好。

You'd better not make Harry any more nervous than he is. - 你最好別讓Harry更加緊張了。

You'd better hurry, Robbie. - 你最好快點, Robbie。

now, I think we'd better get dressed, fellas. - 現在我們最好去穿好衣服,各位。

I think Michelle is better off staying where she is. - 我覺得Michelle待在原地比較好。

There is nothing better than a hot dog in the country. - 在美國沒有比熱狗更好的東西了。

I think we'd better head home. - 我想我們最好上路回家啦。

You'd better be careful. - 你要小心一點。

You'd better watch your step or you'll get into trouble again. - 你最好留點兒神, 免得再惹麻煩。

Our competitor has a better product. There's no denying it. - 無可否認,我們的競爭對手擁有更好的產品。

I think you are capable of much better than this. - 我認為你能做得比這更好。

What do you call this? A tow year old child could have done a better job! - 你是怎麼回事?就連兩歲的孩子都可以比這做得更好!

Your cooking is better than mine, and I certainly prefer not having to bother to cook at all. - 你的菜煮得比我好,我當然就不想班門弄斧了。

Do you have any better suggestions? - 你有更好的提議嗎?

Who do you think are better drivers: man or women? - 你覺得男人跟女人,誰開車開得好一些?

You'd better heat the dishes for a whild. Cold food isn't good for your stomach. - 你最好是把菜溫一溫再吃,涼的食物對胃不好。

You are better off waiting'till you get married before doing anything stupid. - 你如果想做傻事的話,最好等到結婚後。

You'll feel better after a good night's sleep. - 你好好睡上一覺就會好些。

Well, I'd better be on my way. - 好啦,我該走了呢。

Thank you very much, But I guess I'd better do it myself. - 謝謝你,但我想我最好還是自己做。

Two heads are better than one. - 三個臭皮匠勝過一個諸葛亮。

I'd better hit the books. - 我最好勤奮學習。

I guess I'd better tear up the letter and start over again. - 我想我應該把信撕掉重新再寫。

When you understand the cultural background, you can better use the language. - 當你瞭解了文化背景,你就能更好地運用語言。

Over-qualified workers are likely to quit the minuter they find a better job. - 學歷高的人一旦找到更好的工作可能就會辭掉原來的工作。

The pay is better and the work is much more interesting. - 薪水很高,工作也更有意思。

This soup would taste better if it had more salt in it. - 如果多放點鹽,這湯會更好喝的。

In may ways, yours is a better plan. - 你的計劃在許多方面比其他人的好。

If we had been more careful, we would be getting much better results now. - 如果我們更為細心的話,成績會更好。

You'd better go at once, hadn't you? - 你最好馬上走,不對嗎?

Because such constructive employment practices will greatly promote a better understanding of both American and Chinese cultures. - 因為這個具有建設性的僱傭體系將會有力地推進對中美雙方文化的更好瞭解。

Also, the music was perfect, so if I were a better dancer. - 音樂也非常美妙,如果我舞跳得好。

You'd have a better chance of catching the train if you took a bus to the station instead of walking. - 如果你不是步行而是乘公共汽車的話,那你就比較有可能趕上火車。

You were late again this morning. I think you had better start being on time. - 你早晨又遲到了,我想你最好開始守時。[托福]

What we can't get seems better than what we have. - 人們得不到的好像比所擁有的要好。[九六全國高考]


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