





n. combine ,faith ,reliance ,trustfulnessv. bank ,believe ,commit ,desire


n. distrust ,distrustfulness ,mistrustv. distrust ,mistrust ,suspect


trust['trʌst]n. 信任,信賴;責任;[經濟學]托拉斯vt. 信任,信賴;盼望;賒賣給vi. 信任,信賴;依靠


trust 信任;托拉斯;楚斯特;信託;unit trust 信託投資公司;單位信託;單位信託基金;單位投資信託;trust money 委託金;property trust 物業信託;物業信任;財產信託;Trust Unspoken 盡在不言中;下載盡在不言中;盡在不言中 試聽;收藏 盡在不言中;


1.We trust for American government's apology. 我們期待美國政府的道歉。

2.I trust no one, not even myself. 我不信任任何人,甚至我自己。

3.It is dangerous to trust only intelligence. 只相信人類的智力是危險的。


If you want to make the intelligent choice, Trust me on this. - 如果你想作出明知的抉擇,那就相信我吧。

Harmony in the department seems to emerge as a result of mutual trust and respect between myself and my staff. - 部門和諧的形成有賴於我和我的員工之間彼此信任和尊重。

It is a mistake to trust him. - 信任他是個錯誤。

We trust that you will quote us your most favorable price for big quantities. - 相信由於我方大量訂購貴方能報最優惠價格。

We trust you can meet our requirements. - 相信貴方能滿足我們的要求。

Don't trust him, he's lying. - 別相信他,他在亂蓋。

I hope you trust me - 我希望你信任我。

Be just to all, but trust not all. - 要公正對待所有的人,但不要輕信所有的人。

Be just to all,but trust not all. - 要對一切人都公正,但不要對一切人都信任。

Eat a peck of salt with a man before you trust him. - 在你信任一個人之前,先要深入瞭解他。

If we are bound to forgive an enemy we are not bound to trust him. - 如果我們決定寬恕一個敵人,但決不能相信他。

If we are bound to forgive an enemy,we are not bound to trust him. - 即便我們決心寬恕敵人,也決不能相信敵人。

If you trust before you try, you may repent before you die. - 不試就相信,死前要悔恨。

If you trust before you try,you may repent before you die. - 不經考驗就依賴,不到瞑目便的悔。

It is an equal failing to trust everybody and trust nobody. - 信任任何人和不信任任何人,同樣是缺點。

It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody. - 信任一切與不信任任何人,同樣是弱點。

It is an equal failing to trust everybody,and to trust nobody. - 信任一切與不信任任何人,同樣是弱點。

Love all, trust a few, be false to none. - 要愛一切人,相信少數人,不要負於任何人。

Never trust another what you should do yourself. - 自己應該做的事,決不要委託別人做。

Never trust of fine words. - 切勿輕信漂亮的言詞。

Never trust to fine words. - 切勿輕信漂亮話。

Try (your friend) before you trust him. - 朋友要經考驗,才能取得信任。

Try your friend ere you trust him. - 對朋友要先考驗,後信任。

While you trust to the dog,the wolf slips into the sheepfold. - 當你認為狗可信,狼已偷偷把羊圈進。

Don't trust to chance! - 不要碰運氣。

You can trust us, sir. Let me measure you, sir, for some suits and some shirts too. - 先生,您可以相信我們。先生,我來給您量一量套裝的尺寸,還有襯衣……。好,請您來看看這些料子。我想您會認為這些料子好得多,更合適得多。

I don't think so. We just have to trust our manager. - 我想幫不上吧。我們只能相信經理了。

I think I can trust you, especially after what my son has told me. - 我想我能夠信任你,特別是在我兒子把情況告訴我以後。

If you do not let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws any more. - 要是您不准許我得到它,那將是一種軟弱的表現,人們將不再信你們的法律了。

The other people in the workforce may not trust you in future. - 在一起幹活的其他人可能今後不會相信你了。

I realized that they would be very worried, but that they would trust our good sense, wherever we were. - 我想他們會很擔心,但是無論我們在什麼地方,他們都會相信我們的處事能力。

Finally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking! It is your own life, so find something that you enjoy doing. - 最後相信你自己的看法和想法!這是你自己的生活,因此,找你喜歡做的事情來做。


private trust of receipt - private trust of receipt


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