monozygotic[,mɔnəuzai'ɡɔtik]adj. [醫]單合子的;單卵的
monozygotic 單合子的;單精合子;單合子性的;monozygotic twins 單卵雙生;同卵雙生;單卵雙胎;單卵孿生;monozygotic twin 單卵雙生,同卵雙生;單卵雙生;釋義:單合子雙生,單卵雙生;monozygotic twins transplantation 釋義:同卵雙生移植;
1.Although monozygotic twins may not be perfectly genetically identical, they still are nearly so, Bruder emphasizes. 不過布魯德爾也強調,儘管同卵雙胞胎的遺傳組成並非完全相同,但也差不了多少。
2.If gene is the blueprint of all kinds of beings, then the grown-up monozygotic twins must be identical to each other theoretically. However, this is not true. 如果基因是一切生命的藍圖,則理論上同卵雙胞胎長大成人後應該完全相同才對,因為同卵雙胞胎的基因完全相同,但研究顯示實際性形並非如此。
3.Biology Of or relating to a twin or twins developed from the same fertilized ovum and having the same genetic makeup and closely similar appearance; monozygotic. 從同一受精卵中產生的,具有相同基因結構和相似外貌的孿生子的;單卵的。
monozygotic multifetation - 單卵多胎
monovular twins; monozygotic twins - 單卵的孿生
identical twin; identical twins; monozygotic twins - 同卵雙生