





now we are fussing and now we are fighting 現在我們驚嘖不已,現在我們爭搶好勝。;now he sings now he sobs 奇克柯;now he sings now he sobs 奇克柯;I doubted you and now we're apart 我曾懷疑過你,如今我倆已分手;And now doth fare ill 這陣更是敗慘;


1.Now you've seen the clip, check your local listings, go watch the show, and then go buy a legit set of the DVDs now. Right now. 現在你們看到片段了,趕緊查看本地節目表,看這個演出,去買合法出版的DVD。現在就去。

2.Now has 4 especially retained professional post in HeNan now, the water work structure engineering, environmental engineering, rock and soil engineering, agrology and environment. 現設有4個河南省特聘教授崗位:水工結構工程、環境工程、巖土工程、土壤學與環境。

3.Exercise faith over the trial that bothers you. Let Jesus be God's victory just now, just now. Amen. 從那煩擾你的試煉中操練信心,讓耶穌現在就成為神的勝利,就是現在,阿們!

4.Jason: Mike! Come on this little bozo happens to be your brother. Now take him to the store…now. 傑森:邁克,可是這個小傢伙是你的親弟弟,你這就送他到商店去。

5.Everything was in flower, the nightingales twittered and carolled, now close, now far away. 樹木都開花了,夜鶯鳴囀,悠揚悅耳,時而在近處,時而在遠處發出迴響。


Sir, everything now is offered with a great discount. - 先生,所有的東西都在打很大的折扣。

Look, this way. Yes, that's right. Now let's try some of this chicken. - 請看,這樣。對,完全正確。來吃點雞肉。

No, but I hope you will from now on. - 是的,還沒有。不過我希望從現在起就會有。

With pleasure. Now we can offer Optical Mark Readers of models. - 很願意。目前我們能提供光學記錄閱讀器的模型。

All we have to do now is shake hands. - 現在我們所該做的只是握手了。

and now for something new. - 現在輪到新的東西了。

I now pronounce you husband and wife. - 我現在宣佈你們成為夫妻。

Another rags-to-riches success story. Now you can borrow money from him instead of me. - 又一個白手起家,發財致富的成功人物。以後你可以向他借錢,不用找我了。

Because it's also known now as Youth Day. So you see- - 因為這個節日還被稱為是青年節,所以你明白了-

I ate something bad, and now I've got the runs. - 我吃了些變質的東西,所以現在拉肚子。

But now I'm living in the Bronx. - 但現在我住在Bronx區。

2,3,4 ... now switch. ... 2 3 4 - ……現在 左右交替……

2, 3, 4, front. Now we're going to run it off. 2 3 4 - 前踢。現在, 我們來快跑。

And now to see the end of the football game. - 現在去看看足球賽的最後一段。

Carl, now you know charades. - Carl,現在你知道什麼是啞謎了。

Between now and tomorrow - 從現在起到明天

And now there's Max Stewart. - 現在又加上Max Stewart。

Oh. Now all it has to do is stop raining. - 噢。現在唯一希望的就是停止下雨。

And now that you're satisfied with the performing arts section, - 而且既然 對表演藝術這部分很滿意,

And you are now making news. - 而你現在就是在創造新聞。

but now what? - 但下一步怎麼辦?

Mom is now on television - 媽媽現在出現在電視上

And now for ... something old, - 現在, 接著是 一些舊的,

I've heard a lot about you, sir. Now I finally have the chance to meet you in person. - 先生,久仰大名,現在終於讓我親自見到你了。

You think I can just skip it now and get to it at college? - 你想我現在略過數學, 等到上了大學再學, 可以嗎?

I've got it. Now give me some information about - 我知道了。現在告訴我

Well, now that you're here, - 嗯,既然你回來了,

So now I'm taking a flight on Monday instead. - 所以我現在要改搭星期一的班機走。

And now to make sure we've got the hamburger patties. - 現在確定一下我們帶了漢堡碎肉餅。

Downsizing is now a strong possibility. - 很可能會裁員。

An economic recession now seems more than likely. - 現在看來,經濟衰退的可能性相當大。

I won't permit you to buy a crossbow, now or ever. - 我不會允許你買弓弩的,永遠也不會。

After sending investigators to the scene we can now confirm that it was the result of an accidental fire. - 在派出調查人員到現場後,我們現在可以確定事故是由意外失火導致的。

If anyone has any objections, now is the time to voice them. - 如果有人反對,現在就可以說出來。

Building a nuclear power plant now would not be doing the environment any favors. - 建核電站對於環境沒有什麼好處。

I think I'll catch the train to work from now on. - 我想從現在開始我會坐火車去上班。

He is now involved in stocks. - 他現在熱衷於股票。

Right now my hands are full. - 現在我忙得不可開交。

She has now held the post of Prime Minister longer than anyone else this century. - 她現在擔任首相任期之長在本世紀是前所未有的。

The club will now hear this member's proposal. - 俱樂部將聽取這個成員的揭底。

She is now on vacation. - 她正在休假。

You've been caught cheating, now y ou must face the music. - 你作弊被當場抓住,這下你得承擔自己行為的後果了。

Please do now hesitate to as any questions. - 如有問題您可隨時提出來。

That's why he is now concentrating on conversation at a language school near his home. - 這就是他在他家附近的一所語言學校專攻口語的原因。

But she is now accustomed to it. - 不過她現在已經適應了。

Do now waste them, but use them while they are fresh. - 不要浪費了這些,要趁未落伍時善加利用。

He is now out of touch with his old friends. - 他現在已經沒有和他過去的朋友聯繫了。

Will anyone be able to fill her shoes now that she's left the company? - 既然她已經離開了公司,有人能接替她的位置嗎?

His wife died a year ago. Now he lives alone. - 他妻子去年去世了。現在他一個人住。

We now have five different models to choose from. - 我們現在有五種不同的型號供你選擇。


an officials title in the feudal age; doctor; now used for a docter in northern china; physician - 大夫

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