reheater[ri:'hi:tə]n. 回熱器;重新加熱工
reheater 再熱器;中間加熱器;加力燃燒室;再加熱器;reheater engine 中間再熱式發動機;RH Reheater 再熱器;pendant reheater 懸吊式中間再熱器;steam reheater 蒸汽再熱器;蒸汽回熱器;蒸汽加熱式再熱器;水蒸汽再熱器;
1.Each part of superheater and reheater shall not be over temperature. 過熱器,再熱器各部位均無超溫現象。
2.The reheat cycle benefits from reduced wetness in the turbine exhaust, but presents an increased capital outlay in terms of reheater pipe-work to, from and within the boiler. 再熱循環的好處就是減少了汽輪機的排汽濕度,但就鍋爐進出口再熱管道和內部的再熱管道而言,投資成本增加了。
3.MSR (Moisture Separator Reheater) is a kind of large combined horizontal pressure vessel with thin-shell and complicated internals, which belongs to the conventional island of NPP. 汽水分離再熱器(簡稱MSR)是核電站常規島的特有設備,屬內部結構複雜的薄壁大型複合式臥式容器。