n. carry amelia moore nation ,commonwealth ,country ,land
nation['neiʃən]n. 國家;民族;國民
nation 國家;民族;國家,民族;民族國家;The Nation 民族報;國家報;國家雜誌;民族報;Prozac Nation 少女初體驗;普羅薩克王國;憂鬱症女人;國家圖片;Nation University 美國民族大學;美國國家大學;美國內申大學;United Nation 聯合國;聯合國;聯合國總部大廈;
1.《The Germans》: Double History of a Nation. 《德國人》:一個民族的雙重歷史。
2.We are a nation. 我們是一個國家。
3.And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. 而且如果美國要是一個很棒的國家,這一定變成真實。
The President is going to address the nation on television this evening. - 總統今晚將向全國發表電視講話。
That nation is famous for its tourism. - 那個國家以旅遊業聞名。
This nation is noted for its economic stability. - 這個國家以它的經濟的穩定性聞名。
The eyes of the nation are upon the government. - 國民的目光都注視著政府。
This nation is noted for its advanced technology. - 這個國家以先進科技聞名。
This nation is noted for its economic stability. - 這個國家以經濟穩定聞名。
This nation is noted for its natural resources. - 這個國家以天然資源聞名。
This nation is noted for its political stability. - 這個國家以政治穩定聞名。
This nation is noted for its scientific accomplishments. - 這個國家以科學成就聞名。
If a nation is essentially disunited, it is left to the government to hold it together. - 如果一個國家實際上處於分裂狀態,使之聯合起來就是政府的事了。
This may be illustrated by comparing the position of a nation with that of a private business enterprise. - 把國家的狀況同私人企業的狀況加以比較,就可以看清這個問題。
In 1893 New Zealand was the first nation in modern times to allow women to vote, long before many other countries. - 3年,新西蘭是第一個在近代就允許婦女參加選舉的國家,這比許多其他國家要早得多。
He was called Bapu, meaning father - because he was the father of the Indian nation of the twentieth century. - 他被人們稱為巴普,意國是父親--因為他是20世紀的印度民族之父。
At that time only the British government had the right to sell salt, which was taxed, so Gandhi encouraged the whole nation to make their own salt. - 那時,只有英國政府有權出售鹽,而且鹽是要徵稅的。於是甘地鼓勵所有的國民自己生產鹽。
n.原腸胚內陷 - gastrula invagi nation
整個國家的醫療服務系統 - medical serv. system for the whole nation