GSTabbr. 格林威治恆星時(Greenwich Sideral Time)
GST 消費稅;貨勞稅;谷胱甘肽轉移酶;商品及服務稅;GST GeneralAcceptedSystemSecurityPrinciples 普遍接受的系統安全原則;GST HOLDINGS 海灣控股;GST Credit 貨勞稅退稅;稅補貼;GST Guest 客人;
1.The advent of GST provides a chance to abolish it altogether. 消費稅的出現給徹底廢除雙稅制提供了一個機會。
2.You may decide to register with Revenue Canada and apply for GST numbers. To help you with this decision, contact an accounting professional and CCRA. 你可能決定向收入加拿大登記並且申請銷售稅號碼。為了幫助你做這個決定,與財務處理專業人士和CCRA聯繫。
3.Because businesses claim back their input GST, the GST inclusive price is usually irrelevant for business purchasing decisions, other than in relation to cash flow issues. 因為企業可以申請退回他們所支付的GST稅,因此GST稅額一般與公司的採購決定無關,除非涉及到現金流動。