n. ejector ,ousting
ouster['austə]n. 驅逐;剝奪;罷黜
ouster 驅逐;侵佔財產等;不法奪取;非法剝奪;ouster clause 排除條款;the doctrine of ouster 不容剝奪原則;Braised chicken with fermented and seasoned soy beans and ouster sauce 豉汁蠔油雞;
1.That two-year old controversy evolved into charges of ethics violations and prompted some European governments to demand his ouster. 這個長達兩年的爭論逐漸演變成違法道德的指控並促使許多歐盟國家政府要求其離任。
2.FIVE years after the "Tulip revolution" which led to the ouster of one president, Kyrgyzstan has seen another flee the capital, another new government set up and more elections promised. 在鬱金香革命導致總統下台五年後,吉爾吉斯斯坦又一位總統逃離首都,又一屆新政府成立以及更多的選舉承諾。
3.In Paris, what began as a protest over the ouster of Henri Langlois, the legendary founder of the Cinematheque Francais, grew into a popular revolt that threatened to topple the government. 在巴黎,這股力量起源於抗議政府解雇傳奇人物亨利·朗格盧瓦——法國電影資料館的建立者,後來發展成威脅到政府統治的顛覆性革命。