Sardinian. 撒丁區(意大利一自治區);撒丁島(意大利在地中海的一個島)
Sardinia 撒丁島;薩丁尼亞;薩丁島;尼亞;Sardinia White 意大利白麻;再造白麻石;Corsica and Sardinia 科西嘉 及 撒丁尼亞;Piedmont-Sardinia 薩丁尼亞;Kingdom of Sardinia 薩丁尼亞王國;
1.However, in Sardinia and Greece, the gesture is insulting and should not be used there. 然而,在撒丁島和希臘,這種動作是侮辱性的,不應該使用。
2.On the other side of the globe, Professor Luca Deana has spent years studying the inhabitants of Ovodda, Sardinia. 在地球的另一邊,盧卡·迪納教授花了幾年的時間在研究撒丁島奧夫達的居民。
3.An Island of France in the Mediterranean Sea north of Sardinia. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the island, which was ceded to France by Genoa in 7'
8. 撒丁尼亞北部地中海的一座法國島嶼。拿破侖·波拿巴生於此島,7'8年由熱那亞割讓給法國。