n. barquev. skin
bark[bɑ:k]vt. 吠叫;咆哮;[口]咳嗽vi. 厲聲說出;高聲叫賣n. 吠聲;任何似犬狐叫的聲音
bark 樹皮;叫罵,叫喊;莖皮;樹皮色;Garcinia Bark 山竹子;Shrubalthea Bark 川槿皮;釋義:木槿皮(中藥);bark fiber 樹皮纖維;bark shaver 刮(皮)刀;刮刀;刮[皮]刀;
1.He barked his knuckles on the doorjamb. 他碰在門側柱上擦破了指關節處的皮。
2.They eat leaves, twigs, bark, grass and fruits. 它們吃樹葉、嫩枝、樹皮、青草和水果。
3.Judgment of psyche decision that bark myself be . 決定叫的就我人企圖靈魂的判斷。
All are not thieves that dogs bark at. - 犬之所吠,並非皆賊。
Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand. - 遠處叫得凶的狗,不會近身來咬人。
Timid dogs bark most. - 狗膽小,拚命叫。
Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate. - 每當它想到花園裡來時,便汪汪叫個不停,直到有人把門打開。
albizia bark; mimosa-tree bark cortex albiziae - 合歡皮
bard of Hinalayan coralbean; bark of himalayan coralbean; coralbean bark cortex erythrinae; erythrina bark; variegated coralbean bark - 海桐皮
bark of chinese cassia tree; cassia bark; cinnamon bark; exhaustion of flesh - 肉極
bark of chinaberry-tree; bark of sichuan chinaberry; chinaberry bark - 苦楝皮
n.五加皮 - acanthopanax bark
n.椿皮 - ailanthus bark
n.合歡皮 - albizia bark
n.地楓皮 - anisetree bark
n.秦皮 - ash bark
n.肉極 - cassia bark
n.苦楝皮 - chinaberry bark
n.金雞納皮 - cinchona bark
n.金納皮 - cinchora bark
n.肉極 - cinnamon bark
n.海桐皮 - coralbean bark cortex erythrinae
n.紅金雞納皮 - cusco bark
n.白鮮皮 - dittany bark
n.杜仲 - eucommia bark
n.海桐皮 - erythrina bark
n.土荊皮 - goldenlarch bark
n.救必應 - holly bark
n.內皮 - inner bark
n.救必應 - iron holly bark
n.抗痢木皮,庫契皮 - kurchi bark
n.厚樸 - magnolia bark
楓皮病 - maple bark disease
n.合歡皮 - mimosa-tree bark cortex albiziae
n.牡丹皮 - moutan bark
n.桑白皮 - mulberry bark
n.雲實皮 - mysorethorn bark
n.棕樹皮 - palmae bark
n.黃柏 - phellodendron bark
石榴樹皮 - pomegranate bark
初生粗皮,初生皮 - primary bark
櫻皮 - Prunus jamasakura bark
次生粗皮 - secondary bark
n.木槿皮 - shrubalthea bark
n.椿皮 - tree of heaven bark
n.牡丹皮 - tree peony bark
n.海桐皮 - variegated coralbean bark
n.地骨皮 - wofberry bark
n.地骨皮 - wolfberry bark
n.黃柏 - yellow-corktree bark