strigose['straiɡəus, stri'ɡəus]adj. 有硬毛的
strigose 被硬毛的;糙伏毛;strigose hydrangea juvenile leaf 釋義:甜茶;strigose ventral area 釋義:腹粗區(蝽科);Avena Strigose Seed Extract 燕麥萃取;strigose lunate vitta 釋義:新月形粗條(長蝽科);
1.Stems toward base and petioles hispid. Basal leaf blade ternate. Upper stem leaves not silvery strigose. 莖基部和葉柄的具糙硬毛。基生葉三出。上面莖生葉並非銀色的具糙伏毛。
2.Leaves glabrous or adaxially sparsely fine strigose, abaxially with appressed, very short pubescence on veins and margin, otherwise sparsely fine granular glandular. 葉無毛或正面具糙伏毛的疏生細,貼伏的背面具,非常短短柔毛在脈上和邊緣,顆粒狀具腺的否則疏生細。
3.Stem and petioles densely retrorsely hispidulous; hairs 0. 5--2 mm. Leaf blade central lobe rhombic. Raceme strigose and yellow glandular puberulent. Filaments glabrous. 莖和葉柄具濃密反曲的短硬毛;毛0。5-2毫米。葉片中央裂片菱形。總狀花序具糙伏毛和黃具腺被微柔毛。花絲無毛。