





But the fect is that a lot of damn fucking bustards make me condemn they eagerly want me suffer and commit suiside they want me bend they want me kneel at a term they wanna put the greatest humiliation on me 但事實上卻表明並冇呢種理想狀態,一堆堆嘅撲街冚家產渴望睇到我受苦睇到我自己迫死自己,佢地想我屈服想我跪低,佢地希望將世界上最華麗嘅恥辱擺上我頭上;But the fect is that a lot of damn fucking bustards make me condemn they eagerly want me suffer and commit suiside they want me bend they want me kneel at a term they wanna put the greatest humiliation on me 但事實上卻表明並冇呢種理想狀態,一堆堆嘅撲街冚家產渴望睇到我受苦睇到我自己迫死自己,佢地想我屈服想我跪低,佢地希望將世界上最華麗嘅恥辱擺上我頭上;that they may declare all their abominations among the heathen whither they come 我卻要留下他們少數人得免刀劍、饑荒、瘟疫,使他們在所到的各國中述說他們一切可憎的事;人就知道我是耶和華。;that they may declare all their abominations among the heathen whither they come 我卻要留下他們少數人得免刀劍、饑荒、瘟疫,使他們在所到的各國中述說他們一切可憎的事;人就知道我是耶和華。;They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe 它們倉惶地摸索著出口,穿越一切;它們盲目地翻滾碰撞 找尋穿越宇宙的路途;


1.When they are hungry, they look for food; when they are tire, they rest. By the light of nature they know when and where to migrate. 牠們餓了就找東西吃,累了就找地方休息,牠們本能地知道,什麼時候應該遷移到什麼地方去。

2.To learn that they shall reap what they plant; if they plant gossip they will harvest intrigues, if they plant to love will harvest happiness. 去懂得種什麼收什麼,如果散播流言蜚語他們就收穫勾心鬥角,如果種植愛心他們就收穫快樂;

3.For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. 耶和華說、我的百性愚頑、不認識我.他們是愚昧無知的兒女.有智慧行惡、沒有知識行善。

4.They blink together, they look together, they cry together, they sleep together, despite the fact that they have never seen each other. 它們一起眨,一起看,一起哭,一起睡,儘管他們從沒有見過對方。

5.It teaches people in the most visceral sense that they can change, they can grow, they can stretch themselves, they can do things they never thought possible. 它從內心最深處教導人們,自己可以改變、成長、延伸,並且做到自己認為絕不可能的事情。

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