





they[ðei, ॼృథ]pron. 他們;它們;她們


they 他們;他們(主格);噩夢纏身;他(她,它)們(主格);They Live 極度空間;but they 粼粼波光也在跳著舞,;它們身旁的粼粼波光也在跳著舞,;柔波拍岸似歡笑,;粼粼波光也在跳著舞,;They betray 他們出賣;他們總是違背誓約;They Dance 他們舞蹈;


1.They are not interested in this book. 他們對這本書不感興趣。

2.In fact, they work to have fun. 實際上,他們工作是為了樂趣。

3.First game we were great and the second game we were not very good and they were great. 第一場遊戲我們打得很好,然後第二場我們打得不是很好但他們打得很好。


Yes, they let me go. Because I did not agree with their business philosophy. - 是的,他們讓我走。因為我不同意他們的經營理念。

350 yuan? Are they real? - 350元?是真表嗎?

They're real watches. They tell you the time, don't they? - 當然是"真的表"羅。會走也會報時,不是嗎?

Ha! Ha! But not real Rolexes. They look the same. - 哈!哈!但不是真的勞力士,看起來跟真的一樣。

Yes, they are. We're still expanding. - 是的,我們還要擴建。

It's shown in the price list. They are the latest prices. - 價錢都列在價格表上。這是最新的報價。

Yes. They reached us yesterday. - 是的,昨天我們收到這批貨物。

I guess they must have inspected only part of the goods, but not the whole. - 我猜想,他們檢查的只是部分貨物,而不是全部。

I feel that too many people worry about how they look. - 我感覺太多的人關注他們的外表。

What language do they speak in Japan? - 在日本他們說什麼語言?

What currency do they use in U.S.A.? - 在美國人們用什麼貨幣?

The scam they were running left many people penniless. - 他們的這場騙局讓人們分文不剩。

Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A. - 就在這裡。美國寫真!

Sorry, Richard. They don't have it. - 對不起 Richard 他們那裡沒有。

Well... they want me to, - 這……他們希望這樣。

but they need me at the hospital today, - 但今天醫院有事,

Did they write some bad news? - 他們寫了什麼壞消息嗎?

If they come home and they're on ... - 要是他們回來看見燈開著……。

But if they don't, I'll adopt her. - 如果找不到,我就收養 。

so they can find her owners quickly. - 好讓他們很快找到她的主人。

I know they are. - 我知道他們會。

Even if they are kind to Gemma, - 即使他們對Gemma很好

But when do they do it? - 但是什麼時候動手術?

What did they say? - 他們說什麼?

Well, they didn't say anything for sure. - 嗯, 他們沒有任何確切的答覆。

First, they have an excellent School of Journalism. - 首先 ,那兒有個很優秀的新聞研究所。

and they needed the extra room. - 他們需要多一些空間。

Of course, they won't be in Riverdale. - 當然這些房子不在Riverdale

Yes. Here they are. - 帶來了, 在這裡 。

until they mentioned needing collateral or a guarantor. - 在他們提到擔保物或擔保人之前。

and they lived in New York. - 而他們住在紐約。

When are they coming? - 他們什麼時候來?

They were ... they were ... they were average. - 他們……他們……他們是普通身材。

I think so. Yes. They get along so well. - 我也覺得是這樣。是的 ,他們相處得很好。

and they always will be. - 將來也永遠會如此。

We'll finish the conversation when they go to the museum. - 他們去博物館之後我們再聊。

and they found it to be too easy-- - 他們發現字太簡單了,

Well, OK. See if they have a room. - 那, 好吧, 看看他們是否還有房間。

In those days, when they made quilts. - 那個時代 ,人們做被罩時,

She liked Pete, and they went to dances together. - 她喜歡Pete, 他們也一起去跳舞。

He said they need a new book of photographs, - 他說他公司需要一本新的攝影集,

The things they do, the ways they live, - 他們所做的事情, 他們的生活方式

the places they visit, and the landmarks. - 他們所去的地方, 以及地標等等。

Like them? They represent your best work. - 何止喜歡? 它們代表了你最佳的作品。

Are they always that difficult to make? - 領結這樣難打嗎?

And they have lots of clip-on bow ties. - 而且他們有許多夾上去的領結。

I hope they aren't lost. - 但願沒丟才好。

Yes, they do. - 是的 ,花兒好香。

Mama, what are they doing to me? Help! - 媽媽 ,他們在對我做什麼? 救命呀!

Weren't they going to be here this morning? - 他們不是今天早上要來這兒嗎?


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