





n. boob ,bosom ,knocker ,white meatv. front


breast[brest]n. 乳房,胸部;胸懷;心情vt. 以胸對著;與…搏鬥


breast 乳房;乳腺;火雞胸肉;胸袋;heel breast 鞋跟腹牆;鞋跟腹?;breast pocket 胸袋,手巾袋;小袋;胸前口袋;胸袋;breast milk 母乳;母奶;釋義:母乳;乳汁;breast shield 乳罩;奶罩;乳頭護膜;釋義:乳罩;


1.As a controversial public figure he has breasted much hostile criticism. 作為一名有爭議的公眾人物,他毅然對付了許多帶有敵意的批評。

2.Is what my breast gets fibroma? 我的乳房得的是纖維瘤嗎?

3.This is the perfect breast shape. 這是最完美的乳房形狀。


I'm good at freestyle and breast stroke. - 我擅長自由泳和蛙泳。


breast carcinoma supernatant - 乳液上怪清液

n. breast hole - 中央渣口

breast carcinoma; mastocarcinoma - 乳巖

breast hygiene - 乳房衛生

breast gangrene - 乳房壞疽

breast bandage - 乳房懸帶

breast support - 乳房托

breast flush - 乳房潮紅

breast cancer - 乳房癌

breast abscess; mammary abscess; mammaryabscess - 乳房膿腫

breast milk; latex - 乳汁

breast cellulitis; deep-seated mammary absess - 乳疽

breast cancer antigen - 乳癌抗原

breast feeding - 人乳哺育

congenital absence of breast and nipple - 先天性乳房乳頭缺失

n. breast hole - 出鐵口泥塞孔

breast cancer a-bomb survivors - 原爆倖存者因輻射誘發的乳腺癌

breast pump; humalactor; milk pump; milkpump - 吸乳器

breast pump; humalastor; milk pump; milkpump - 吸奶器

breast feeding period; lactation - 哺乳期

hygiene in breast reding period - 哺乳期衛生

breast feeding women - 哺哺期婦女

overdevelopment of breast in female - 女性乳房發育過度

expressed breast milk - 擠出的母乳

thrush breast heart; tiger heart; tiger lily heart - 斑紋心

breast milk - 母乳

breast feeding - 母乳餵養

n. breast hole - 清渣口

n. breast door - 爐腰門

fibrocystic breast disease - 纖維囊性乳房疾病

breast breast; caked breast; stagnation mastitis - 蒸乳

breast cancer; radiation induced breast cancer - 輻射誘發的乳腺癌

n. tuyere breast jacket - 風口胸農

chicken breast deformity; pigeon breast deformity - 雞胸變形


n.乳腺膿腫 - abscess of breast

n.乳房缺失 - absence of breast

副乳 - accessory breast

n.乳房放線菌病 - actinomycosis of breast

n.乳腺腺癌 - adenocarcinoma of breast

n.乳房腺纖維瘤 - adenofibroma of breast

n.乳腺腺瘤 - adenoma of breast

n.乳房腺瘤病 - adenomatosis of breast

n.乳房腺肉瘤 - adenosarcoma of breast

進行乳癌 - advanced breast carcinoma

n.乳房血管內皮瘤 - angioendothelioma of breast

n.乳房血管肉瘤 - angiosarcoma of breast

n.乳腺抗生瘤 - antibioma of breast

n.乳房活組織檢查 - biopsy of breast

乳房出血 - bleeding breast

n.乳衄 - bleeding from breast

n.蒸乳 - breast breast

n.乳房燒傷 - burn of breast

n.乳汁瀦留性乳腺炎,蒸乳 - caked breast

乳腺癌 - cancer of the breast

n.乳房癌樣濕疹 - cancerous eozema of breast

n.乳腺單純癌 - carcinoma simplex of breast

n.乳房癌肉瘤,乳腺癌肉瘤 - carcinosarcoma of breast

n.雞胸 - chicken breast

n.雞胸變形 - chicken breast deformity

慢性乳房炎 - chronic breast inflammation

n.乳腺先天性異常 - congenital abnormality of breast

n.先天性乳房乳頭缺失 - congenital absence of breast and nipple

n.乳腺篩狀癌 - cribriform carcinoma of breast

n.乳房篩狀管內癌 - cribriform inteaductal carcinoma of breast

n.乳房囊腺瘤 - cystadenoma of breast

n.乳房囊性病 - cystic disease of breast

n.乳腺囊性增生病 - cystic hyperplasia of breast

n.乳房囊尾蚴病 - cysticeroosisof breast

n.乳房巨大纖維肉瘤,乳房葉狀囊性肉瘤 - cystosarcoma phylloides of breast

乳房癌診斷 - diagnosis of breast cancer

乳腺疾病,乳房疾病 - disease of breast

早期乳房癌 - early breast cancer

n.乳房棘球蚴病 - edchinococcosis of breast

n.乳房腫脹,乳脹 - engorgement of breast

n.乳腺表皮樣癌 - epidermoid carcinoma of breast

n.擠出的母乳 - expressed breast milk

n.女性乳房 - female breast

n.乳房脂肪壞死 - fat necrosis of breast

n.乳腺纖維腺瘤 - fibroadenoma of breast

n.乳腺纖維腺病 - fibroadenosis of breast

n.纖維囊性乳房疾病 - fibrocystic breast disease

n.纖維囊性乳腺病 - fibrocystic disease of breast

n.乳房纖維肉瘤,乳腺纖維肉瘤 - fibrosarcoma of breast

n.乳房纖維硬化,乳腺纖維硬化病 - fibrosclerosis of breast


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