





a. dissimilar ,unlike


a. like ,same ,similar


different['difərənt]adj. 不同的;個別的,與眾不同的


different 不同的;不一樣;共軛差積;差異;Different types 出現不同的標準;種類;Different footprints 元件封裝的改變;元件 封裝的改變;look different 看起來不同;看上去不一樣;relative different 相對共軛差積;


1.Open different shop all over the world! 想在世界各地開啟不同的店!

2.Different nations have different levels of technology. 不同的國家的科技水平不同。

3.At different times of our life, and in different moods, we too shift our character. 在生活的不同時期,在不同的心境下,我們也變換著自己的性格。


No, you sound different today. - 沒有,今天你的聲音聽起來不一樣。

I speak fairly good English and I enjoy meeting different kinds of people. - 我的英語講得很流利,而且我喜歡接觸不同的人。

Now, we always use different packing for different goods. - 我們一向是不同的貨物用不同的包裝。

It's quite different from what I expected. - 這與我預想的很不相同。

Listen, Richard,doing aerobics for an hour is a lot different than lifting weights. - 聽著, Richard,一小時的有氧運動可與舉重大不相同。

Michelle has been a different kid since we've been married. - 自從我們結婚之後, Michelle變成另一個人了。

and I'm giving some thought to a new book on a different subject. - 如今我又開始在構想另一本不同題材的新書。

I'm afraid I have a different opinion. - 恐怕我的看法和你不一樣。

The way people act in private is often quite different to how they act when in public. - 人們私下的行為跟公共場合的行為是截然不同的。

This is a lot different to the image portrayed on TV. - 這同電視裡描繪的景像有很大差別。

It's really different from what I expected. - 這和我想像中的很不一樣。

I have learned the most important language by meeting a wide range of people from different cultures. - 我接觸到許多來自不同文化的人,掌握了最重要的語言。

This universal language has always brought people of different cultures close together. - 這種世界性的語言將不同文化的人緊密地結合在一起。

Attitudes towards drinking and smoking in the U.S. are, in some ways, very different from those in Asia. - 在對煙酒所採取的態度上,美國和亞洲在某些方面是非常不一樣的。

We should be aware of different styles of communication according to different cultures. - 我們應該意識到根據不同的文化會有不同的交流方式。

To sum up, language skills, understanding of different cultures. - 總的來說,語言能力、對不同文化的瞭解。

There may be different ways of doing business. - 有很多不同的方式。

The way you look at it seems to be quite different from the way I look at it. - 你的看法和我的似乎不太相同。

Any different opinion? - 有不同意見嗎?

You approach it in a different way than I do. - 與我做比,你在一個不同的方面更接近。

We now have five different models to choose from. - 我們現在有五種不同的型號供你選擇。

Is your factory any different from other plastics factories? - 你們工廠和其他塑膠工廠有何差別呢?

We don't have any different opinions about the contractual obligations of both parties. - 就合同雙方要承擔的義務方面,我們沒有什麼意見。

Different articles require different forms of packing. - 不同商品需要不同的包裝。

It's really different from what I expected. - 確實和我想像的不一樣。

Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here. - 噢,想不到這裡的天氣大不一樣。

They have different hopes. - 他們有各自不同的願望。

Christmas Day we have a large dinner with many different things to eat. - 在聖誕節晚餐,我們會吃很多不同的佳餚。

Manners are quite different from country to country. - 各國的禮儀各不相同。

What I want to do is different from those of others. - 我想做的與別人不同。

She's been quite different since coming back from America. - 從美國回來之後,她變化很大。

Yet all these things, different as they seem, have one thing in common. - 然而所有這些東西,看上去雖不同,但卻有一個共同點。

Tim is an engineer.He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. - 蒂姆是個工程師,正在一家大公司工作,並且已經去過澳大利亞的不少地方了。

I wonder.In England, each person speaks a different language. - 我感到奇怪。在英國,人們各自說著一種不同的語言。

It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. - 它雖然與現代汽車比賽大不相同,但激動人心的程度並不亞於現代化汽車大賽。

The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and glass. - 這座水晶宮不同於世界上所有的其他建築,因為它是用鋼和玻璃建成的。

The need to produce ever-increasing quantities of cheap food leads to a different kind of pollution. - 日益增長的對廉價食物的需求導致了另一種形式的污染。

Collecting as a serous hobby is quite different and has many advantages. - 作為一種嚴肅的業餘愛好的收藏活動完全是另外一回事,它具有許多益處。

that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch. - 這就是說,在一個足球場上約有600萬隻不同種類的蜘蛛。

who has normal vision but who can also perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. - 她的視力與常人一樣,但她還能用皮膚的不同部位辨認東西,甚至看穿堅實的牆壁。

No, say the American: our fowl are fine, we simply clean them in a different way. - 不,美國人說,我們的家禽很好,只是我們使用了另一種清洗方式。

The Americans would happily reach one accord on standards for medical devices and them hammer out different pacts covering,say, - 美國人很願意就醫療器械的標準達成一個協議,然後推敲出不同的合同,用以涵蓋 --比如說

some snakes manufacture a poison different in every respect from that of others, - 有些蛇產生的毒液也在各方面與另外一些毒蛇產生的毒液不同,

as different as arsenic is from strychnine, - 就像砒霜不同於馬錢子鹼一樣。

and having different effects. One poison acts on the nerves, the other on the blood. - 不同毒蛇產生的毒液產生的效果不同,一種毒液作用於神經,另一種毒液作用於血液。

It is difficult for any of us in moments of intense aesthetic experience to resist the suggestion that we are catching a glimpse of a light that shines down to us from a different realm of existence, different and, because the experience is intensely movi - 我們似乎瞥見從另一個世界射向我們的一線光芒,那個世界不僅不同於我們這個世界,而且由於美感的強烈感染,在某些方面比我們這個世界更美好。

Instruments have been devised and can be so placed that all three elements can be recorded in different graphs. - 已經設計出了一些儀器,它按照一定的安放方式就可測繪出這三種運動的曲線圖。

not so much because of different people even, - 這倒不是因為人民不同,

you're likely to get five different answers, -- - 你很可能得到5種不同的答覆,

We need our order separated into three different boxes. - 我們訂的貨需要分裝三箱。


n. different method - 不同方法

n. interface between different phases - 不同相間的界面

n. different steel - 不同鋼

suiting measures to different conditions - 制宜

different accreditations of faculties - 醫官級別

manipulations of different massage schools - 各流派的推拿手法

treating the same disease with different methods - 同病異治

n. interface between different phases - 異相界面

n. cross sectional different amounts - 橫截面不同量

harmonize the property of different drugs - 調和藥性


n.調和藥性 - harmonize the property of different drugs

n.各流派的推拿手法 - manipulations of different massage schools

n.制宜 - suiting measures to different conditions

n.同病異治 - treating the same disease with different methods


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