nhlabbr. 全國曲棍球聯合會(National Hockey League)
NHL 非霍奇金淋巴瘤;非何傑金氏淋巴瘤;非何傑金淋巴瘤;北美冰球聯盟;NHL 2000 球2000;冰球 2000;冰上曲棍球 2000;NHL 2005 冰球2005;NHL 2K9 冰上曲棍球2009;冰上曲棍球 2009;NHL 97 曲棍球賽97;
1.The NHL has kicked off its season with a game in Europe. 美國曲棍球聯盟在歐洲的捷克共和國開始了賽季。
2.The application of this method showed that 10 of 14 (71%) B NHL marrow specimens which were normal by morphological method were detected MRD. 檢測14例B細胞非何傑金淋巴瘤患者形態學檢查正常的骨髓標本,MRD檢出率為71%(10/14)。
3.Earlier this week it was reported Gillett was considering selling some of his sporting assets, which also include the Montreal Canadiens NHL franchise. 這個星期早些時報道,吉列被認為賣掉他體育的資產,同時也包括加拿大的遊兵騎士隊股份。