nhkabbr. 日本廣播協會(Nippon Hoso Kyokai)
NHK 日本廣播協會;日本放送協會;日本廣播公司;日本廣播協會電視台;NHK Trophy 大獎賽日本站;世界花樣滑冰大獎賽日本站;國際滑冰聯盟花樣滑冰大獎賽日本站;國際滑聯花樣滑冰大獎賽日本站;NHK Building 剖面分佈圖;剖面圖;NHK NullHypothesis 虛無假設,零假設;NHK Nipponi 絡管理終端;
1.The national broadcaster, NHK, will relay them almost instantaneously to its television and radio audiences. 國家廣電局將會即刻通過電視和廣播向觀眾們發出警報。
2.Japanese media report says North Korea has fired a short-range missile toward the Sea of Japan. NHK reported the launch Tuesday. 日本媒體報導,朝鮮朝日本海發射了一枚短程導彈.日本放送協會(NHK)星期二報導了這一消息。
3.At 2am Tokyo time, state broadcaster NHK said the DPJ had won 306 seats in the lower house compared with the LDP's 119, with two seats unaccounted for. 東京時間凌晨2點,官方的日本廣播協會(NHK)宣佈,民主黨已贏得眾議院306個席位,相比之下,自民黨僅贏得119席,另有2席仍歸屬不明。