NUIabbr. 網絡用戶標識(network user identification);用戶國際組織(National University of Ireland)
NUI 自然用戶交互;自然用戶界面;愛爾蘭國立大學;網絡用戶識別;NUI Galway 高威大學;nui thanh 省山城;成山縣;Voya Nui 萬野島;NUI NUclearFuelsTechnologyInformationCenter 核燃料技術情報中心(美國);
1.How did the Rapa Nui people who erected these statues get the giant stone hats from wherever they came from to the statues? 如何拉帕努伊人誰豎立這些雕像從不論來自何方的雕像傳來巨石帽子?
2.Ge Bu, a poet; A-Ying, a blind singer; Beima Nui, a wizard. They live in Hani village with poverty and happiness. By singing, they found the ancient culture and their dreams. 一群身著綵衣的隱匿部族,一個流動於城市的徬徨詩人,一位遊走鄉間的吟唱歌者,一名歌詠並守護傳統農耕的巫師,他們分別透過樂章與詩篇聯繫著古老的文化。
3.The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is a high performance team that guides breakthrough NUI Galway research to business reality as well as manage the NUI Galway Business Innovation Center. 愛爾蘭國立高威大學技術轉移辦公室擁有一個高效率的團隊,領導大學研究進入商業軌道,並管理大學商業創新中心。