submittaln. 提交;[法]建議
Submittal 提交;承諾;submittal plan 提出計畫;Submittal Shcedule 上報計劃;Submittal Packages 合件送審記錄;Revised master schedule submittal 修正總包進度表送審;
1.If the submittal appears to be in order the Contractor will notify the Sub-Contractor that the Works can proceed accordingly. 如果申請文件合格,承包商將通知分包商開始進行有關工作。
2.Required Submittal (weeks) = maximum number of calendar weeks that initial submittals of the listed drawing(s), document(s) and/or data are required from Bidder. 要求的交付時間=是中標者開始交付清單中所要求的圖紙、文件、和/或數據時,日曆中所包括星期數的最大值。
3.In the meantime, we are still working to obtain a letter from the school district for submittal to a Conditional Use Permit to retain the current multi-purpose building. 委辦同時亦繼續與校區接洽爭取批准使用他們停車場之信件,好使我們可以正式向政府申請保留現有的多用途的建築物。