kitakyushun. 北九州(日本九州島北岸港市)
kitakyushu 北九州;北九州島市;北九州市;北九洲;JPKIT KITAKYUSHU 北九州;北九州 日 本;JPKIT KITAKYUSHU 北九州 日 本;Kitakyushu city 北九州;Port of Kitakyushu 北九州港;控嬝笣誠;
1.Japan has traditionally been hard on welfare recipients, and experts say Kitakyushu's practices are common to many other local governments. 日本一向對申領社福基金者審核從嚴,專家並說,北九州的做法對其他很多地方政府早已司空見慣。
2.As a widening income gap has pushed up welfare rolls in recent years, struggling cities like Kitakyushu have been un-der intense pressure to tighten eligibility. 近年來,由於所得差距日益拉大,使社福救濟金的名單愈來愈長。財政困窘的城市像北九州更是面臨沈重的壓力,必須緊縮申領資格。
3.To commemorate the Dalian City and Kitakyushu City, Japan became sister cities built by the coastal mountains across the valley temporary drought Bridge, May 1, 1987 completion. 為紀念大連市與日本北九州市結為友好城市而建的近海臨山橫跨山谷的旱橋,1987年5月1日竣工。