kit-katn. 半身畫像
kit-kat 半身畫像;
1.If you think like I do, don't worry - these Kit Kat Human Vending Machines aren't a new fad; they're just part of a Nestle advertising campaign. 如果你也和我一樣,請不要擔心,因為這種機器並不是一種新潮流,而僅僅是雀巢公司的一項廣告計劃。
2.Calligraphy Kit Kat-end sound and dignified, pen sharp edge Jin-ho, forceful momentum, full glory, is representative of the calligraphy of Zhu Xi. 書法結體奇巧而端莊穩健,筆力凌厲豪勁,氣勢雄渾,光彩四射,是朱熹書法的代表作。
3.In addition to selling green tea leaves, tea merchants have distilled the brew's essence and added it to gum, soft drinks and skin creams - even, in Asia, to Kit Kat candy bars. 除了能賣茶葉外,茶商還把茶提煉出來添加到口香糖,軟飲料和潤膚露中,在亞洲,甚至添加到kit貓棒棒糖中。