





staff college staff school 參謀學院;Accursed Staff 詛咒法杖;Staff Adept 法杖師;percentage of absentees to total staff in service 缺勤率;percent of absentees to total staff in service 缺勤率;


1.b. Travel Industry Golfer (Travel Agents, Hotelier, Airlines Staff, Airport Staff, CIQ staff , others. 同業高爾夫愛好者(旅行社,酒店,航空公司,機場人員,海關及其他)

2.In order to enrich staff afterhours life improve teamwork and boost up staff physical diathesis we set up a basketball team in the company. 為了豐富員工業餘生活,創建公司團隊氛圍,增強員工身體素質,公司組織了籃球隊。

3.In order to enrich staff afterhours life, improve teamwork and boost up staff physical diathesis we set up a basketball team in the company. 為了豐富員工業餘生活,創建公司團隊氛圍,增強員工身體素質,公司組織了籃球隊。

4.We have cannily designed a 4-floors apartment for our dearest staff. And one more staff canteen in the dormitory provides all meals. 酒店為員工精心設計了4層公寓樓並且有員工餐廳每天進行膳食服務。

5.So to staff its China program, the Sprott School of Business sent an assortment of full- and part-time staff, including some faculty on sabbaticals. 因此,為了組建中國管理教育項目的教師隊伍,斯普洛特商學院動用了包括全職和兼職教師在內的各類教師資源,一些原本安排休假的教師也被派往了中國。


The director is insisting on a staff meeting this evening at 7pm. - 主管堅持在今晚7點抹刀形職工大會。

We have strict procedure around here and we expect all of our staff to follow it. - 我們這兒有非常嚴格的工作程序,希望全體員工遵守。

Our staff and employees will do their best to make your visit comfortable and worthwhile. - 我們所有的員工都會盡力使您的來訪舒適而有價值。

We need more staff in the office. - 我們辦公室需要增加人手。

The staff in this shop is very helpful. - 這家商店的店員很熱心。

I have a staff of ten. - 我手下有十個職員。

A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with. - 欲加之罪,何患無辭。

Bread is the staff of life. - 民以食為天。

He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window. - 他與店員動手向窗外投擲

Though my aunt pursued what was, in those days, an enlightened policy, in that she never allowed her domestic staff to work more than eight hours a day, she was extremely difficult to please. - 姑媽待傭人在當時算是開明的,從來不讓傭人每天工作超過8小時,但他們很難使她稱心如意。


schilling blod count; schilling blood count; staff count - 希林氏細胞計數

staff neutrophil - 桿狀核中性白細胞


n.會診醫師 - consulting staff

病房工作人員 - house staff

n.醫務人員 - medical staff

與醫學有關的節段 - paramedical staff

n.技術人員 - technical staff

檢驗材料 - test staff

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