Off[ɔ:f, ɔf]prep. 離開;脫落adv. 切斷;走開adj. 遠離的;空閒的
OFF 斷開;關閉;關閉,斷開;關機;take off 起飛;脫下;動身;匆匆離開;call off 取消;放棄,取消;叫走;叫走,叫開;go off 爆炸;不再喜歡;爆炸,開火,突然響起;(電等)中斷,停止;parting off 切斷;分切;分割;堵截;
1.Let us off at the fifth floor. 請讓我們在第五層樓下(電梯)。
2.This shaved off small segments of bone. 這樣可以刮到小的骨頭碎片。
3.The strike stalled off our holiday plan. 罷工拖延了我們的度假計劃。
That's load off my mind. - 這一來我心裡輕鬆了。
Get me off at the Fifth Avenue. - 請在第五大道讓我下車。
Well, I guess we all have to take our mind off work once in a while. - 對,我們都應該忙裡偷閒。
Do you live on or off campus? - 你住在校內還是校外?
kick off your shoes, and sit down. - 脫掉你的鞋子, 坐下來。
I'll have to work for years to pay off my college loan. - 我得工作好幾年才能還清助學貸款。
I get off one job and go straight to another. - 我辭了工作後馬上又開始了另一個。
I'm wiped out by the time I get off work. - 下班時,我都累趴下了。
Could I bum some money off of you? - 我能先從你那借點錢嗎?
Just a little off all over off the sides. - 兩邊都稍微短一點
He couldn't take time off to come to New York with me. - 他走不開 沒辦法和我一起來紐約。
OK. Finish off by jogging in place. - 好 ,結束之前在原地慢跑。
I have to turn off the lights, - 我得關掉燈,
We're off to the animal shelter. - 我們這就去動物收容所。
but I don't want to put it off too long. - 但我希望不要拖得太久。
Now let's head off for the city and the university club. - 現在讓我們進城去, 到大學俱樂部。
Here are the fliers, hot off the press! - 傳單來了, 剛剛印出來的!
I'm heading off for bed - 我先去睡覺了
I'll be off to bed myself in a minute. - 我再過一會也要上床睡覺了。
I'll let you off this time. - 這回我放過你。
Look, the Kramers are showing off in their new convertible. - 看,克來姆一家在炫耀他們的新敞蓬車。
I think Michelle is better off staying where she is. - 我覺得Michelle待在原地比較好。
Don't fly off the handle. - 不要這麼衝動。
I think you are getting off the subject. Could we get back to the main point, please? - 我覺得你跑題了。 我們能不能回到主題上來?
You're way off base. - 球不在壘上,此處指「與事實不符」。
In my country, we get a couple of days off for Easter. - 在我國,我們在復活節的時候有好幾天的假期。
I want to take a few days off just for relaxation. - 我想請幾天假放鬆放鬆。
Many business people turn off their pagers and cell phones during their leisure time. - 許多商人在他們的休息時間裡都把傳呼機和移動電話關掉。
It's too crowded in the bus. I think I'll have to get off to walk the rest of the way home. - 車上太擠了,我想剩下的路我必需下車走路回家。
The game was put off due to heavy rain. - 由於下大雨,比賽延遲了。
I've mailed off several applications for jobs that interest me. - 我已經寄出了幾份求職材料,應聘我感興趣的職位。
Please keep off the grass. - 請勿踐踏草地。
You are better off waiting'till you get married before doing anything stupid. - 你如果想做傻事的話,最好等到結婚後。
If I work hard now, when I retire I'll be very well off financially. - 如果我現在努力工作的話,退體後就會很富有。
I'm off today. - 我今天休假。
I have two days off a week. - 我一星期休息兩天。
I took a month off for a holiday. - 我休了一個月假。
I've got three days off next week. - 下星期我有三天假。
She's off today. - 她今天休假。
He bites off more than he can chew. - 貪多嚼不爛。
What I dream of doing is taking a year off and sailing around the world alone. - 我夢想能夠休上一年假,自己乘船周遊世界。
He took two weeks off in August. - 他在八月份休假兩星期。
I'd like to take off for home tomorrow. - 我想下星期五請假。
I have two days off a week. - 我一周休息兩天。
The outdoor concert was called off due to the weather. - 露天音樂會由於天氣原因被取消。
I turned off when they started talking about computers. - 當他們談論計算機時,我失去了興趣。
When are you going to swear off cigarettes? - 你打算什麼時候發誓戒煙?
I cannot afford two days off a week. - 我忙得無法一星期抽出兩天休假。
She's off to Guangzhou tomorrow. - 她明天出發去廣州。
I must be off soon. - 我很快就得走了。
n. off time - 不正常時間
n. boiling off liquor of silk - 絲除膠容器
five kinds of kiarrea; five kinds off diarrhea - 五洩
off position; offposition - 停住
off position; offposition - 關住
off signal - 關閉信號
n. lift off effect - 反射效應
n. lift off effect - 發射效應
n. picking off device - 取件裝置
plane off orientation - 定位平面
n. picking off device - 拾取裝置
pull the scab off somebody's sore - 揭瘡疤
off effect; offeffect - 撤光效應
n. wipe off cleaning - 擦拭淨化
n. wipe off cleaning - 擦掉清理
off line; offline - 斷機
mechansim off toxic effect - 毒作用機理
n. run off tab - 溢出盆
short band off union of the tendons; vinculum breve - 短紐
off white; offwhite - 米色
sphincter ani; sphincter off anus - 肛門括約肌
off line; offline - 脫線
off odors; offodors - 脫臭
moderately let off the seven emotins - 適當發洩七情
n. boiling off liquor - 除膠容器
n.扣除本底 - background cut off
n.反饋 - backing off
n.吹出 - blow off
n.脫落 - come off
n.流乾 - drain off
n.治好... - fight off
n.濾出 - filter off
n.五洩 - five kinds off diarrhea
n.毒作用機理 - mechansim off toxic effect
n.適當發洩七情 - moderately let off the seven emotins
n.開關 - on off
n.傳感器,敏感元件 - pick off
n.定位平面 - plane off orientation
n.揭瘡疤 - pull the scab off somebody's sore
n.讀出,讀數 - read off
解僵直,強直解除 - rigor off
n.狂奔不已 - run one's head off
n.流失 - running off
n.短紐 - short band off union of the tendons
n.段點 - shut off
n.肛門括約肌 - sphincter off anus
n.脫掉上衣 - take one's coat off