





Received[ri'si:vd]adj. 被一般承認的;被認為標準的v. 收到;接受;迎接(receive的過去分詞)


received 收到, 接到, 接收, 遭到, 受到, 接待, 接見;已收到;接發球 :;被接收的;as received 驗收態;應用基;到貨時;原(試)樣;discounts received 購貨折扣;虧絀 購貨折扣;Date Received 收到日期;接受日期;收件日期;收表日期;Received Pronunciation 標準發音;標準語音;公定發音;


1.We have just received your claim letter. 我們剛剛收到你方的索賠信。

2.Have you received that email from our boss? 你收到老闆的那封電子郵件了嗎?

3.Three weeks went by before I received his first letter. 三周過去了我才收到了他的第一封來信。


How soon will my mail be received by the other end? - 我的信件多快能被對方收到?

I have received the secretarial training for six months. - 我曾接受過6個月的秘書訓練。

I received a letter from my parents this morning. - 今天早上我收到父母一封信。

but when I received the letter - 但是當我收到那封信

That movie received a favorable review. - 那部電影受到了好評。

I just received your letter and I want to let you know my opinion on your plans for the future. - 來信已收到,我想告訴你我對你將來打算的看法。

I have received a letter from my cousin. - 我收到了我表兄的信。

The above inquiry weas forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we haven't received your reply until now. Your early offer will be highly appreciated. - 上述詢價已於10月10日發往你方,可是我們到現在還沒收到你方答覆,請早日發盤不甚感謝。

This offer must be withdrawn if we haven't received your reply within five days. - 如果5天之內我方未必到貴方答覆,該盤撤消。

From all listed prices we allow a discount of 10 percent on orders received on or before 31st May. - 5月31日或此前收到的訂單,我們都按價目單上的價格給10%的折扣。

He received full credit for his studies at a previous school. - 他在一所先前的學校取得了所有課程的學分。

I received an invitation, but I did not accept it. - 我收到-份請帖,但沒有接受。

I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. - 我剛剛收到弟弟蒂姆的來信,

but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. - 但10個月以後,她收到了荷蘭一位姑娘的來信。

Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. - 上星期二他收到當地警察局的一封信,

I have just received a letter from my old school, informing me that my former headmaster, - 我剛剛收到母校的一封信,通知我說以前的校長

He sent the journalist two more faxes, but received no reply. - 他給記者先後發去兩份傳真,但對方毫無反應。

A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist. - 一周之後,編輯終於接到記者的傳真。

Mrs.Ramsay received an anonymous letter. - 拉姆齊太太收到一封匿名信。

No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail. - 沒有一種生物所受到的讚美和厭惡會超過花園裡常見的蝸牛了。

This exhibition received a great deal of attention in the press, for though the pictures were supposed to be the work of famous artists, they had in fact been painted by Dickie. - 這次展覽引起報界廣泛注意,因為這些畫名義上是名家的作品,事實上是迪基自己畫的。

A radio message from the mainland had been received by the ship's captain instructing him to give up the search. - 返航前,該船船長收到了大陸發來的電報,指示他們放棄這次搜尋。

There were books, clothing and photographs, together with letters which the seaman had once received from his wife. - 其中有書箱、衣服、照片以及水手收到的妻子的來信。

When he received a very rude reply from one of the workmen. - 其中一個工人粗魯地回了幾句。

but when he received a similar complaint from another foreigner in the same village, he immediately sent one of his layers to investigate the matter. - 但是,當他又收到住在同一村莊的另一個外國人寫的一封內容類似的投訴信時,他立即派出一位律師前去調查。

feel that they have not received adequate treatment unless they are able to carry home with them some tangible remedy in the shape of a bottle of medicine, - 覺得沒算得到充分的治療,如果不能帶回一些看得見、摸得著的藥物回家的話,如一瓶藥水、

We haven't received your order yet. - 您的訂單我們還沒收到。

Have you received a letter from Jim yet? - 你收到了吉姆的來信沒有?

If you want to send a letter to an office abroad that is in a different time zone, you can send a fax, and it will be received even though the office is not open. - 如果你要寄信到不同時區的國外辦公室,你可以發個傳真,即使辦公室不開門,信也會被收到。

Please sign here to show that you have received the money. - 請在這兒簽字以表明你已收到這筆錢。"

Just now we all watched you sign to show that you had received the cheque. - 剛才我們大家都觀察到了你為表明已收到那張支票而簽名。


subject received treatment - 受治療都


n.受治療都 - subject received treatment

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