self-inflicted['selfin'fliktid]adj. 自己造成的;加於自身的
self-inflicted 自己造成的;自己施加的;釋義:自我造成的;self-inflicted laceration 釋義:自我撕裂傷,自我劃破傷;self-inflicted injury 自殘;自傷;self-inflicted chronic disease 自己造成的慢性病;avoid self-inflicted setbacks 不折騰;避免自己造成的退步;避免由自己造成的退步;
1.Police say the boy was with a certified instructor and call the incident a "self-inflicted accidental shooting". 警方表示男孩當時和一名合格的指導者在一起,並成該事件為「自己造成的走火」。
2.Nick is now in the hospital with esophageal ulcers due to vomiting and coughing. I have seen this before and am sure it is self-inflicted. 現在,尼克因為食道潰瘍而住院,這是由於嘔吐和咳嗽所引起的。我曾經也得過這樣的病,我能感受到尼克現在的痛苦。
3.One reason why the economy has rebounded so quickly is that much of the slowdown was self-inflicted, rather than the result of America's economic collapse. 經濟反彈如此之快的原因之一是,許多經濟放緩是由於自己所造成的,而不是由於美國的經濟崩潰。
autolesion; self inflictedwound; self-inflicted wound; selfinflictedwound - 自傷
self inflictedwound; self-inflicted wound; selfinflictedwound - 自己造成的創傷