self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;amour-propre pride self-esteem self-importance self-pride self-respect self-worth 自尊;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;
1.Method The nurses ability of monitoring medication, medication inspection, medication nursing and emergency management of drug intoxication were analyzed. 方法分析和總結護士用藥監察,用藥護理和藥物中毒急救處理的方法。
2.Six types of medical services were analyzed: hospital care, emergency care, physician care, herb doctor care, self-medication with western drugs, self-medication with herb drugs. 探討的醫療服務種類則包括:住院、急診、西醫門診、中醫門診、自服西藥,以及自服中藥。
3.Any time employees carry medication internationally, they should keep the original prescription with them and carry the medication in its original box. 任何時候,員工攜帶藥物進行國際出差,都必須保留原有處方,並將藥物放置原有盒子中。
4.Results The rate of standard medication was 4
7. 2%, the rate of using acidoresistant medication in duodenal ulcera was 4
9. 1%, the rate of using bismuthateuse in gastric ulcera was 4
6. 9%. 結果消化性潰瘍病標準治療符合率47。2%,49。1%的十二指腸潰瘍病應用了抑酸劑,46。9%的胃潰瘍病應用了鉍劑。
5.Psychological self, social self, self-criticism, family-self and self-satisfaction can predict mental health problems. 心理自我、社會自我、自我批評、家庭自我、自我滿意對心理健康問題有顯著的預測作用。