shaliness 頁岩性;頁岩含量;shaliness index 泥質含量指數;equi-shaliness line 等泥質含量線;
1.The conductive reservoir is generated from mud invasion, low height trap and additional shaliness conductivity, etc. , but only one or two of which are the dominant factors. 低阻油層的成因是受泥漿侵入、低幅度構造、泥質附加導電等多種影響因素所致 ,但在不同地質條件下 ,只有一種或兩種因素對低阻油層的形成起主要作用。
2.A summary of the effects of temperature, pressure, shaliness on Archie equation is given on the basis of the previous study on the influence factors. And a viable correction method is proposed. 系統總結了前人對阿爾奇公式影響因素的研究結果,並在此基礎上分別討論了溫度、壓力和地層泥質含量對阿爾奇公式的影響,提出了可行的校正方法;