v. shoaln. shoal
a. deep
shallow['ʃæləu]adj. 淺的;膚淺的n. 淺灘vt. 使變淺vi. 變淺
Shallow 淺層,淺的,表面的;淺灘;淺的;淺薄的;shallow well 淺井;淺水井;Shallow Waters 淺淺水窪;淺水水域;shallow dam 擋板;隔板;shallow failure 淺層滑坡;
1.Only the shallow know themselves. 膚淺的人才認識自己。
2.At least not so shallow thinking. 但至少不像思想那麼膚淺。
3.Scientists at Ohio State University have discovered a very interesting rock from what was once a shallow sea in Nevada. 美國俄亥俄州立大學的科學家們發現了一種曾在內華達州淺海非常有趣的岩石。
Deep rivers move in silence, shallow brooks are noisy. - 深水靜靜流,淺溪潺潺流。
Our next obstacle was a shallow pool of water about half a mile across. - 下一個障礙是一片約半英里寬的淺水塘。
They had to edge their way along this, sometimes wading across shallow streams, or swimming across deep pools. - 他們不得不側著身子往前走,有時過淺溪,有時游過深潭。
Our knowledge of the oceans a hundred years ago was confined to the two-dimensional shape of the sea surface and the hazards of navigation presented by the irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land. - 100年前,我們只知道海洋是二維平面形的,以及靠近陸地淺水區的深淺不一能給航行帶來危險。
extremely shallow puncture; shallow neesling - 半刺
feeble respiration; shallow breathing - 呼吸微弱
minor groove; shallow groove - 小溝
shallow needling; shallow puncture; superficial insertion - 淺刺
shallow needling with cupping - 淺刺拔罐
shallow puncture with cupping - 淺刺拔罐法
shallow breathing - 淺呼吸
shallow pattern abdominal retractor - 淺式腹部牽開器
n. shallow recessing - 淺拉延
shallow water blackout - 淺水黑視
n. shallow structure - 淺的結構
shallow and rapid respiration - 淺速呼吸
repeated shallow puncture - 贊刺
n.半刺 - extremely shallow puncture
n.贊刺 - repeated shallow puncture