dlpabbr. 民主工黨(Democratic Labour Party);數字光處理器(Digital Light Processing)
DLP Digital Light Processing;數字光處理;數據洩露防護;數據丟失防護;DLP DataLinkProcessor 數據鏈路處理器;DLP DigitalLightProcessing 數字光線處理,數字光學處理技術【投影儀;DLP - 數據鏈路處理機;DLP DistributedLoopOperatingSystem 分佈式循環操作系統;
1.Comparing with the two-way identification schemes based on the DLP, the Scheme has a higher security and efficiency. 和基於有限域上的離散對數問題的雙向身份認證方案相比,該方案具有更高的安全性和效率。
2.Historically, LCD technology has tended to manifest more visible pixel structure than DLP products of the same resolution. 歷史上,LCD技術相比DLP產品,在相同分辨率下,趨向於表現出更多的可見象素結構。
3.This article proposed an economical and practical multimedia classroom configuration plan by using DLP projector and DLP back projector as the display terminal. 此文探討以DLP投影機和DLP背投作為顯示終端的經濟實用型配置方案。