fur-felt 絨毛氈;fur-felt hat 絨毛氈帽;
1.For example, suppliers frightened by the venom of the anti-fur lobby felt compelled to boast: "Make no mistake; all our furs are fake." 例如,受不了反皮毛遊說組織的惡言攻擊,一些企業不得不這樣說:沒錯,我們所有的產品都是仿皮毛的。
2.Snow-white felt quite sorrowful when the bear said good-bye, but as he passed put of the door the latch caught his fur and tore a little piece off. 白雪對他的離去可傷心啦,她為熊兒開了門,熊兒匆匆往外擠出時,碰在了門閂上,身上扯下了一撮毛髮,白雪似乎看到了裡面發出的一道金光,但她一時無法確定。
3.You left your luggage, your fur robe and your beat-up old felt boots lying in a mass in the mud dwelling; you didn't even take our group photo with you. 你把行李、皮袍子和破爛的氈靴亂七八糟地扔在地窩子裡,甚至連我們一塊照的那張合影也沒有帶上。