





n. pelt


fur[fə]n. 皮,皮子;毛皮;軟毛vt. 用毛皮覆蓋;使穿毛皮服裝


FUR 皮草;長毛絨布;毛髮;軟毛效果;fake fur 毛毛布;人造毛皮;人造毛毛料;仿造皮毛;beaver fur 海狸皮;海狸皮毛;海狸皮,水獺皮;dog fur 狗皮;狗毛皮;cat fur 貓裘皮;貓毛皮;釋義:貓皮毛;


1.The fur of this rodent. 這種齧齒動物的毛皮。

2.Features: One fur really do is very soft, comfortable, long hair with warm well! 特點:真皮毛一體做的是柔軟很舒適,內毛很長保暖效果很好!

3.Bobcat fur will go to coat manufacturers in Russia, Italy, Japan and several other places across the country. 山貓毛皮會去外衣,製造商在俄羅斯,意大利,日本和其他幾個地方,在全國推行。


She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. - 第二天上午,她又來到這家商店,穿了一件裘皮大衣,一隻手拎著一隻手提包,另一隻手拿著一把長柄傘。

Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. - 在許多地方看見爪印,灌木叢中發現了粘在上面的美洲獅毛。

and it spread to Britain where wild rabbits are regarded as a pest but where domesticated rabbits,equally susceptible to the disease, are the basis of a profitable fur industry. - 這種疾病又蔓延到了英國。在英國,野兔被當作有害的動物,可是家兔是賺錢的毛皮工業的基礎,然而家兔同樣易感染這種疾病。

Bison were killed for their meat, while their fur provided warm clothing during cold winters. - 他們殺野牛,吃野牛肉,用野牛毛皮製成冬季御寒的衣服。


esfoliative fur of the tongue; exfoliative fur of the tongue - 剝苔

fur of tongue; tongue coating; tongue fur - 舌苔

curdy or greasy fur on the tongue; dry; moist - 舌苔的潤、燥、腐、膩


n.黑苔 - black fur

n.腐苔 - curdy fur

n.舌苔的潤、燥、腐、膩 - curdy or greasy fur on the tongue

n.老黃苔 - dark-yellow fur

n.苔黃燥 - dry and rough and yellowish fur

n.黃干苔 - dry and yellow fur

n.剝苔 - esfoliative fur of the tongue

n.剝苔 - exfoliative fur of the tongue

n.細毛 - fine fur

n.膩苔,苔膩 - greasy fur

n.苔垢 - grimy fur

n.苔滑 - moist and glossy fur

n.苔潤 - moist fur

n.舌淡薄白潤苔 - pale tongue with thin and white and moist fur

n.舌淡無苔 - pale tongue without fur

n.舌上起辮 - petaloid fur

n.舌紅苔薄黃 - red tongue ith thin and yellow fur

n.舌紅苔薄黃 - red tongue with thin and yellow fur

n.舌紅苔白微黃 - red tongue with white and yellowish fur

n.舌紅苔黃 - red tongue with yellow fur

n.苔黃燥 - rough and yellowish fur

n.舌苔粘膩 - slimy and greasy fur

n.細毛 - soft fur

n.厚苔 - thick fur

n.薄白苔 - thin and whitish fur

n.薄黃苔 - thin and yellowish fur

n.薄黃苔 - thin and yelowish fur

n.舌苔,苔垢 - tongue fur

n.舌光苔 - tongue without fur

n.苔膩 - treasy fur

n.白霉苔 - whitemold-like fur

n.白膩苔 - white and greasy fur

n.舌淡薄白潤苔,舌淡苔潤 - white and moist fur

n.白苔 - white fur

n.黃苔 - yellow fur

n.黃膩苔 - yellowish and greasy tongue fur


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