Pholidotan. 鱗甲目;石山桃屬,石仙桃屬
PHOLIDOTA 鱗甲目;石山桃屬;石仙桃屬;有鱗類;Pholidota rupestris 巖生石仙桃;Pholidota missionariorum 尖葉石仙桃;Order PHOLIDOTA 鱗甲目;Pholidota longipes 長足石仙桃;
1.Objective:To study the sedative hypnotic and anticonvulsant effects of pholidota chinensis lindl(PCL). 目的:研究石仙桃的鎮靜和催眠作用。
2.Result:Pholidota chinensis lindl distinctly decreased the autonomic activity and increased the hypnotic effect of a low hypnotic threshold dose of pentobarbital mice and prolon… 結果:石仙桃提取液明顯減少小鼠的自發活動,延長小鼠戊巴比妥鈉催眠時間,增強閾下催眠劑量戊巴比妥鈉的作用並有一定的抗驚厥作用且呈劑量依耐性。
3.Any of several long-tailed, scale-covered mammals of the order Pholidota of tropical Africa and Asia, having a long snout and a sticky tongue for catching and eating ants and termites. 穿山甲一種長尾,身覆角質鱗的哺乳動物,屬有鱗目,產於熱帶非洲和亞洲,長有長鼻子和有粘性的嘴,以便捕捉和吃掉螞蟻和白蟻。