Mahira Uchida 內田真?;內田;內田真;內田??;Asako Uchida 內田亞紗子;Uchida Naoya 內田 直哉;內田 直哉;Tsuneji Uchida 內田恆二;Yasuya Uchida 內田康哉;
1.UCHIDA clean room chairs and precision measuring instruments of the United States in southern China general agent. UCHIDA無塵室工作椅和美國精準測量儀器的華南地區總代理。
2.And a museum about the kamikazes in the southern town of Chiran, near the airstrip where Uchida and others took off, gets more than 500, 000 visitors a year. 有關神風敢死隊的博物館每天有50多萬人來參觀,這個博物館位於南部小鎮奇蘭,在當年Uchida和其他隊員起飛的跑道附近。
3.But for an increasingly bold cadre of conservatives, Uchida's words symbolize something else: just the kind of guts and commitment that Japanese youth need today. 但對於保守派骨幹日益增加的今天,Uchida的話語令人聽到話外音:今日的日本年輕人正需要這樣的雄心和勇敢。