all-white elections 全白人選舉;all-white handkerchief 全白手帕;all-white face towel 全白毛巾;all-white bed sheet 全白床單;all-white face cloth 全白方巾;
1.Does the GOP really want to be monochromatic -- an all-white, non-Hispanic party? 共和黨確實想是單色的--一所有白種人,非西班牙的政黨(嗎)?
2.Zhang, of Tunkou, bought what he thought was an all-white Pomeranian dog for 家住噸口的張先生一年前在一次出差時,以60英鎊買下一隻他所認為的全白博美犬。
3.You simply can't beat them. A half pound of delicious glazed and grilled ribs and our original all-white, breaded, crispy chicken Buffalo Tenders. 你無法抗拒這樣的美味,半磅美味的醬烤肋排,搭配著金黃酥脆裹著誘人麵包糠的布法羅雞翅。