under-utilization 利用不足;under-utilization of equipment 設備利用不足;under-utilization of labour 不充分使用勞動力;
1.There is lack of eye contact, and under-utilization of his / her body language. 他們缺乏眼神接觸,也沒有使用他們的肢體語言。
2.Its early use is to reduce under-utilization of server hardware, (to deal with mission) into fewer machines. 其早期的用途是減少使用率不足的服務器硬件,(將處理任務)集中到數量更少的機器上。
3.More and more people have been aware of groundwater quality change under the long-term utilization of chemical fertilizer in the recharge process. 地下水在補給過程中受到長期施用化肥影響而引起水質的變化已越來越受到人們的重視。