





v. address ,mouth ,talk ,utter


speak[spi:k]vi. 說話;演講;表明;陳述vt. 講話;發言;講演


speak 說話,談話,說明事實,表示意見,發言,演講,操(某種語言);說話;說,講,陳述;講話;speak out 大膽地說;大膽地說,清楚並響亮地說;大膽講出;暢所欲言;speak loudly 大聲說話;大聲的說;大聲地說話;大聲地說;Redwood Speak 杉語;speak Chinese 講漢語;說中文;說漢語;


1.I'm a foreigner. Please speak slowly. 我是個外國人,請說得慢一點兒。

2.My boss can speak some basic english. 我的老闆能說一些基礎英語。

3.There are those who speak of the team of competitors. 有些人說這是一個全是競爭對手的團對。


Hello, May I speak to Miss Li, please? - 喂。我可以請李小姐接電話嗎?

May I speak to Miss Chen? - 可以跟陳小姐講話嗎?

May I speak to Miss Wang? - 我可以和王小姐講話嗎?

May I please speak to Mr. Kong? - 我可以孔先生講話嗎?

May I please speak to Ling Ling? - 我可以和玲玲講話嗎?

May I speak with Mr. Chen, please? - 可以請陳先生聽電話嗎?

May I speak to Miss Tan, please? - 可以請譚小姐聽電話嗎?

May I speak to Miss Hu, please? - 可以請胡小姐聽電話嗎?

Hello, I wish to speak to Xiao Fu. - 喂,我想和小付通話。

Hello, this is Wang Ming. May I speak to Gao Ling, please? - 喂,我是王明,我可以和高玲通話嗎?

May I speak to the head of the household? - 我可以請戶主聽電話嗎?

Three. Besides Chinese, my mother tongue, I can also speak English and French. - 三種,除了我的母語中文外,我還會講英語和法語。

I can speak Shanghai dialect other than Cantoness. - 除了廣東話,我還能講上海話。

Do you speak a foreign language? - 你會講外語嗎?

I speak the Shanghai dialect and the Mandarin. - 我會講上海話,普通話。

I can speak English as far as foreign languages are concerned. - 就外語來說,我只會講英語。

I speak fairly good English and I enjoy meeting different kinds of people. - 我的英語講得很流利,而且我喜歡接觸不同的人。

Hello, my name is ... May I speak to ...? - 喂, 我叫……我可以和……講話嗎?

Hello, ... speaking. Who do you wish to speak to? - 喂, 我是……你想找誰?

Hello, I would like to speak to ..., please. - 喂, 我想找一下……

Hello, may I speak with…? - 喂, 我可以和……說話嗎?

What language do they speak in Japan? - 在日本他們說什麼語言?

Can I speak to Betty? - 我能跟Betty說話嗎?

And you won't be able to speak for a while. - 有一段時間 你們沒有辦法講話。

Why don't you speak to Dad? - 你們為什麼不跟爸爸說說看?

Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Anderson? - 我可以跟Anderson先生或太太說話嗎?

Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Burns? - 我可以跟Burns先生或太太通話嗎?

Can you speak English? - 你會講英語嗎?

Don't speak too soon. - 話不要說得太早。

How come you speak such good English? - 你為什麼能說這麼好的英語呢?

You speak English without an accent. - 你說英語一點口音也沒有。

How well do I speak English? - 我的英文說得怎樣?

She has the ability to speak English fluently. - 她能夠流利地說英語。

He ventured to speak to her. - 他鼓起勇氣向她說話。

When I was asked to speak in English. - 剛才當被要求說英語的時候。

I want to thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak to you. - 我要感謝大家給我一個機會來向各位講話。

It is important to speak directly and clearly about your subject. - 直接了當且明白清楚地說明自己的目的是很重要的。

He will speak about the sales projections for the coming year. - 他將談談未來一年的銷售計劃。

And our successful techniques, and to speak about our failures. - 和成功技巧,並講出我們的失敗之處。

He is good at reading and writing, but he wishes he knew how to understand and speak better. - 他的閱讀和寫作是強項,但他希望知道怎樣去理解和說得更好。

Let me speak to you about some of the ways to successfully negotiate with foreigh businessmen. - 但我仍然想跟你談談一些與外國商人成功談判的方法。

I speak the dialect perfectly. - 我方言說得很好。

She will be happy to speak in French or Chinese to any of you. - 她會很高興與你們中的某個人講法語或中文。

He has graciously consented to speak to us on that subject tonight. - 他同意今晚他將就這一專題演講。

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak about myself at this special occasion. - 謝謝大家給我機會在這樣一個特別的場合介紹我自己。

Well, it really was a great honor to speak to you. - 好了,能跟大家聊一聊非常榮幸。

If she gets mad with him, she will not speak to him for days. - 她對他一生氣就會許多天不跟他說話。

Do you speak English? - 你會說英語嗎?

You speak English pretty well. - 你的英語講的很好。

Hello. May I speak to Mr. Green? - 你好,我找格林先生。


n.氣短懶言 - shortness of breath and unwillingness to speak

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