





n. natal day


birthday['bə:θdei]n. 生日,誕辰;誕生的日子


birthday 生日;一次生日晚會;生日 * 性別;誕辰;birthday card 生日卡;生日卡片;生日賀卡;生曰卡;Birthday Blues 生日劫難;生曰劫難;拉丁爵士;迷幻搖滾;Birthday Girl 生日女郎; 生日女郎;驚婚計;生日女孩;Grandmas Birthday 奶奶的生日;祖母的生日;


1.Yesterday was my birthday. 昨天是我的生日。

2.I sent her birthday present by post. 我送她的生日禮物是郵寄的。

3.Jim: She sent me a beautiful watch for my birthday. 吉姆:她送我一塊精美的手錶做生日禮物。


Were you here last time on his birthday party? - 上次你有沒有參加他的生日舞會?

The birthday dinner was held at a five-star restaurant. - 生日宴會在一個五星級的賓館裡舉辦。

We can have a birthday party for you, Carl, - 我們可以給你舉行生日派對 Carl。

I'll miss my birthday party on Saturday. - 就會錯過星期六我的生日派對。

Because my birthday is tomorrow. - 因為明天是我的生日。

My mother promised me a birthday party with a clown. - 我媽媽答應給我辦一個有小丑的生日派對。

But my birthday is tomorrow. - 但是我的生日就在明天。

Your birthday is tomorrow, isn't it? - 你明天生日 ,是嗎?

He was ill at ease at her birthday party. - 他在她的生日宴聚會中心神不寧。

It's her birthday and she wants to gives us all a treat. - 這是她的生日,她要款待我們大家。

They celebrated his birthday with a dance party. - 也們舉辦舞會來祝賀他的生日。

We have special river birthday parties in the summer. - 夏天,我們為這條河舉辦特殊的生日宴會。

In a heat wave we choose a midnight birthday party and that is the most exciting of all. - 天氣炎熱時,我們便選擇在半夜舉辦生日聚會,這種聚會是最令人激動的。

Tom's birthday is this week. - 湯姆的生日就在這個星期。

I'm getting a new computer for birthday present. - 我得到一台電腦作生日禮物。

Hi, Kate.Next Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party? - 你好,凱特。星期天是我的生日。你能來參加我的生日聚會嗎?

What a good idea! said Ann. Not everyone likes sandwiches. What about my birthday cake? - 「多好的主意!」安說,「不是每個人都喜歡三明治的。我的生日蛋糕準備好了嗎?」

I made your birthday cake last night, when you were in bed, Mrs Read answered. - 「昨天晚上你睡覺時,我就做好了你的生日蛋糕,」裡德夫人回答說。

I nearly forgot! It's Grandma's birthday next Thursday - 我差點兒忘啦!下星期四是奶奶的生日。

What does Christmas mean? Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ. - 聖誕節是什麼意思?聖誕節就是耶穌基督誕生的日子。

One year for our birthday Mom gave us both a T-shirt two green T-shirts! - 有一年過生日,媽媽送給我倆各一件T恤衫--兩件綠的T恤衫。

Sometimes, my grandma decides to buy one big birthday present for both of us. - 有時,奶奶決定給我倆就買一件大生日禮物。


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