BSc Ecotourism 生態旅遊理學士;
1.As a part of the service industry, ecotourism promotes what Alan During, in his important book How Much is Enough? 作為服務產業的一部分,生態旅遊提倡的是艾倫。杜靈在其重要著作《多少才算夠?
2.A few hates—huge ranges that double as wildlife reserves—now accommodate birders as well as cattle, giving rise to a fledging ecotourism industry. 現在,那不僅適合鳥類愛好者的到訪,而且有利於畜牧業的發展,由此產生了另一個新興的行業----生態旅遊。
3.Besides of the praise and canonization, however, many scholars questioned on ecotourism's theoretic feasibility and criticized its practical performance. 在一片推崇讚美之聲背後,許多學者也對其理論可行性和實際效果提出了質疑和批評。
4.In addition, we analyze the regulation policies that can be effectively designed to avoid the situation of overexploitation of the natural resources under the development of ecotourism. 並進一步分析應如何制訂相關的管制政策,以避免或解決生態旅遊對於自然資源過度開發的問題。
5.As a part of the service industry, ecotourism promotes what Alan During, in his important book How Much is Enough? 作為服務產業的一部分,生態旅遊提倡的是艾倫。杜靈在其重要著作《多少才算夠?