strain-to-failure 應變造成的損壞;
1.This process of gradual build-up of strain and stress punctuated by occasional sudden earthquake failure is referred to as the Elastic-rebound theory. 張力逐漸形成並且被偶爾的突然的地震斷裂打斷的過程就是彈力回躍理論。
2.On one side of the fault band, snap-back occurs due to the sharp recovery of elastic strain in strain-softening process, indicating the unstable failure. 在斷層帶左側,由於在系統承載能力降低的過程中,彈性應變的快速恢復,出現了快速回跳現象(系統失穩)。
3.To demonstrate strain rate effect, composite brick specimens were fabricated and tested to failure in the transverse direction at strain ranges from 10-4/s to 700/s. 為了證明解應變率的影響,製造完成的復材塊狀試片,將以每秒10-4至700的應變率,在側向方向測試直到破壞。