strain-agingn. 應變時效;瀰散硬化
strain-aging 瀰散硬化;釋義:應變時效;dislocation in strain-aging 應變時效位錯;
1.The tensile deformation behavior of long-term aging GH4199 alloy after electrical field treatment under different strain rate was investigated. 研究了電場處理後的長期時效GH4199合金在不同應變速率下的拉伸變形行為。
2.The ultra-fine grained aluminum alloys produced by intense strain and reducing residual stress by the control of quenching and pre-stretch and aging process are reviewed. 綜述了鋁合金強應變組織細化技術,以及通過控制淬火、時效、預拉伸工藝,減小殘餘應力的研究現狀。
3.The effect of aging treatment on microstructure and strain hardening ability during the process of uniaxial small compressive deformation of super-high manganese steel was investigated. 研究了時效處理工藝對超高錳鋼的組織及小變形軸向壓縮情況下的形變硬化能力的影響。