twitchy['twitʃi]adj. 焦急的;焦躁不安的,神經緊張的;痙攣的
twitchy 陣痛;Twitchy Ears 抽筋耳 耳朵會不停抽搐,必須要一直用雙手緊緊按住耳朵。;耳朵抽筋咒;
1.If Finland, Russia's immediate neighbour, feels twitchy enough to think about joining NATO, that may ignite debate in Sweden. 如果俄羅斯的近鄰芬蘭痛定思痛決定加入北約,則會引起瑞典國內的爭論。
2.With some $100 billion of adjustable-rate subprime mortgages due to reset to higher rates by October, investors are likely to remain twitchy. 有1000億美元的可調整級別的次級抵押債券,受益於去年10月的級別調高,但投資者們似乎依然謹慎。
3.Most pilots don't realize that a servo may be too fast for their own reflexes, and that can make for a heli twitchy and more difficult to fly. 大部份人不知道太快的舵機會讓自己的反應跟不上,會讓機子變得過度敏感和難飛。