n. haberdasher
clothiers['kləuðiə]n. 衣莊;呢絨商
clothiers 衣商;blankets and bed clothiers the child of maintain 雪覆四野,高山遲滯;雪覆四野 高山遲滯;雪覆四野, 高山遲滯;雪覆四野,高山遲滯。;Blankets and bed clothiers the child of maintain 雪覆四野,高山遲滯;blankets and bed clothiers the chilled of maintain 雪覆四野,高山遲滯;blankets and bed clothiers the chilled of mountain 雪覆四野,高山遲滯;雪覆四野高山遲滯;
1.The high commissioner of the Clothiers Company, Philip Sawyer, accepted the money and gave the future king a receipt. 該公司高級專員菲力普為查爾斯王儲開具了收據。
2.The high commissioner of the Clothiers Company, Philip Sawyer, accepted the money and gave the future king a receipt. 公司高級委員菲利浦。索耶接受了這筆錢,並給未來的國王開具了收據。
3.Since then, several of the major clothiers — Joola, Butterfly, Tibhar and Li Ning, she said — have begun tinkering with the typical uniform, adding miniskirts, fitted shirts and other elements. 她說,幾大運動服飾店,包括尤拉、蝴蝶、挺拔和李寧,開始動手修改典型的制服,增加了迷你裙,合身的上衣和其他流行元素。