Chinese Agape Foundation 中國愛加倍基金會;ALCOA FOUNDATION 美國鋁業基金會;美鋁基金會;Amity Foundation 愛德基金會;Audiology Foundation 釋義:聽力學基金會;聽力學基金會;foundation balk 基礎梁;
1.pillar will use steel tube structure; foundation will use reinforced concrete separate foundation or pile foundation. 支柱採用鋼管承重結構,基礎採用鋼筋混凝土獨立基礎或樁基礎。
2.Foundation of large equipment: for kiln, reinforced concrete wall-type foundation is usually used; for mill and crusher, reinforced concrete block foundation is usually used. 大型設備基礎:如窯基礎一般採用鋼筋混凝土牆式基礎,磨機基礎及破碎機基礎一般採用大塊式鋼筋混凝土基礎。
3.Foundation of large equipment: for kiln, reinforced concrete wall-type foundation is usually used; for mill and crusher, reinforced concrete block foundation is usually used. 大型設備基礎:如窯基礎一般採用鋼筋混凝土牆式基礎,磨機基礎及破碎機基礎一般採用大塊式鋼筋混凝土基礎。
4.After drilling, the jackup drilling rig with biggish pile shoes will produce a certain influence on foundation of bucket foundation platform during pile extracting. 在完成鑽井作業後,樁靴較大的自升式鑽井船在拔樁中會對筒型基礎平台的地基產生一定的影響。
5.During the excavation of deep foundation pit, the seepage of groundwater forms a drawdown cone around the foundation pit. 利用該模型分析了在軟土地區深基坑開挖引起地下水滲流場的變化。
Humility is the foundation of all virtue. - 謙遜是一切美德的基礎。
The foundation of true joy is in the conscience. - 真正的愉快之根本在於良心。
托牙基區,義齒基區 - denture foundation area