n. agency ,substance ,way
means[mi:nz]n. 手段;方法;財產(mean的複數)v. 意思是;打算(mean的第三人稱單數)
means 手段;方法,手段;方法,工具,裝置;方法;measuring means 測量裝置;量具;測量方法,測量裝置;測量方法;Gardiner Means 米恩斯;diverting means 分流工具;engaging means 接通裝置;開動機構;
1.Of course, I know what that means. 當然了,我知道那意味著什麼。
2.To raise wage means increasing purchasing power. 增加工資意味著增加購買力。
3.To pursue transcendence means to accept loneliness. 追逐卓越意味著要接受孤獨。
It probably means we can't stay. - 看來我們不能待在這兒了。
That means fresh eggs and fresh milk. - 也就是說會有新鮮的雞蛋和牛奶。
It probably means he's clearing his throat. - 也許表示他正在清喉嚨。
Shopping vouchers are ofter a good means of attracting customers. - 購物優惠券是吸引顧客的好方式。
This award means a great deal to me. - 這個獎對我意味深長。
That means the child is already one year older. - 那意 味著孩子又長大了一歲。
Having this new branch means a great deal to the economy of both countries. - 這家分行的建立將對兩國的經濟交流起到很大的作用。
He means trouble. - 他存心搗蛋。
Do we really have the means to actually pull this off? - 我們確實有辦法把這事辦成嗎?
It's essential to choose the right means of transportation. - 選擇合適的運輸方式很重要。
Do they think PROGRESS means more highways? - 他們認為有更多的高速公路就是「進步」嗎?
Youth means limitless possibilities. - 年輕意味著無限希望。
It's raining! That means You don't need to water the garden. - 下雨了,這就是就是說,你不必給花園澆水了。
It means I can have tea, instead. - 這意味著我反倒可以喝茶了。
'Though Verrazano is by no means considered to be a great explorer, - 雖然維拉薩諾絕對算不上一個偉大的探險家,
To get a full appreciation of what this means we must turn first to some recent human inventions. - 要透徹理解這句話的意義,我們應先回顧一下人類最近的幾項發明。
and we control it by means of the mud which we circulate down the drill pipe. - 我們讓泥漿順著鑽桿向下循環,用這種方法來控制壓力。
This, however, means nothing. - 但是,這沒有什麼關係,
Knowledge began to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by means of speech. - 人一旦能用語言同別人交流思想,知識的積累便開始了。
if, in a word, beauty means something, yet we must not seek to interpret the meaning. - 一句話,如果美有某種意義的話,我閃,千萬不要去闡明它的意義。
Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, - 本世紀已研製出許多新奇的交通工具,
it has to develop (partly by means of touch) the ability to judge roughly three-dimensonal distances. - 兒童必須發展(部分通過觸覺)粗略判斷三維空間距離的能力。
and how much this faith means to a child. - 孩子們的這種信念會對孩子產生多麼大的影響,
not only the means of sustenance, - 這不僅是謀生的手段,
Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds. - 說實在的,把工作當作享受的那些人可能最需要每隔一段時間把工作從頭腦中撇開。
Affluent he may be, but he is by no means sure what, to tip the doorman or the chambermaid. - 他們可能很富有,但給看門人和房間女服務員多少小費,心中卻根本沒有數;
Not only are the means of arriving at the holiday paradise entirely within one's own command and keeping, - 完全在自己掌握之中的私人汽車不僅是到達假日天堂的工具,
but the means of escape from holiday hell(if the beach proves too crowded, the local weather too inclement) - 而且也是逃離假日地獄(如海灘太擠,當地天氣惡劣)的方便工具,
Whether the remarkable growth of organized camping means the eventual death of the more independent kind is hard to say. - 有組織的露營活動的明顯發展是否意味著較獨立的自我封閉式露營的最終消失,還很難說。
Let 's see, that means a 2% discount if paid within ten days. - 哦。那是說如果10天內付款,有2%的折扣。
It means to shake. - 它的意思是「震動」。
Being a good listener means much more than just listening with ears. Eyes mean that I should look at you while you are speaking as a sign of respect. In other words I should not watch TV, or look over your shoulder at other people while we are talking - 作一名好的傾聽者,決不只是「用耳朵聽」。「目」字的意思是,你說話時我應當看著你,這是尊重對方的表現。換句話說,當我們在一起談話時,我不應當看電視,也不應當越過你的肩膀瞅著別人。
The earliest people of New Zealand, the Maori, came from the islands of polynesia in the Pacific, which means many islands. - 新西蘭最早的居民,毛利人,來自太平洋的玻利尼西亞,玻利尼西的意思是許多島嶼。
He named the country Ao-tea-roa which means the land of the long,white cloud. - 他將這個地方稱之為"奧蒂羅"。意思是白雲綿綿的地方"。
From this we get the expression to make a beeline for someone or something, which means to go quickly along a straight direct course for someone or something. - 從這裡我們得到一條短語"to make a beeline for someone or something,意思是迅速地沿著一條直線向某人或某物走去。
n. means of communication - 信息手段
strengthening by means of tonics - 滋補強壯
eliminate wetness evil with fragrant durgs; eliminating dampness with aromatics; removing dampness by means of aromatics - 芳香化濁
removing dampness by means of aromatics - 芳香化濕
n.機械法 - mechanical means
n.芳香化濕,芳香化濁 - removing dampness by means of aromatics
n.滋補強壯 - strengthening by means of tonics